Aventura 2 NO CARGA
Problemas graves con Aventura 2.
Gps inutilizado, al no poder cargar la batería de ninguna forma ( ni conectado al PC, ni con el cargador, ni con toma de mechero, ni con Power bank) resultando imposible hacerlo funcionar,
Anteriormente hace 4 semanas ultima vez que lo use, el dispositivo no conseguía apagarlo mensaje en pantalla "Apagando TwoNav" .
Muy decepcionado con el GPs Aventura 2, menos mal que pude usar el Anima y salir al paso.
Ya ni lo quiero seguir usando.
Hello Esteban,
This is a user forum, it is not TwoNav which intervenes, to contact TwoNav use the send a request link at the top of this page
Aventura 2 has a 6000 ma/h battery, if you recharge it on an unsuitable charger (e.g. PC USB) you will kill your battery. You need a charger that delivers at least 6 A.. See 12 A now since it seems washed. This battery technology (if it is well discharged) has a charging cycle with a high current for approximately 50% of the charging time, then the current drops. Normally you need a charger which delivers 0.5C (3A), and 1C (6A) or 2C (12A) if the cell voltage has dropped below the threshold.
Connecting it to the USB connector of a PC for recharging gives the illusion of working at first, but it ultimately destroys the battery, especially if you wait each time until it is completely discharged before recharging.
Best Regards
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