Downloaded maps are duplicated


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    TwoNav Team

    Hello Graham,

    Yes, you are right. The Downloader saves a copy of the maps in that folder. This is done to make further installations quicker, and considering that hard drive capacity on a computer should not be a problem nowadays.

    Even though, it is true that in some cases the file size can be really big, so it could actually be a problem.

    Maybe we should re-think this process in the future. By now, feel free to delete this folder if you need that space. If you need to re-install the map, it will just download it again.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS



    All paths are defined in the FILE / OPTION / FOLDER menu

    Or you can find them listed in the gps.ini file which is in user / compegps / bakeup file which you can modify with a text editor. This file allows you to find out where LAND places the data ...

    Best regards

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    Graham Hewitt

    Thank you.  Not a problem yet.

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    Juan Francisco Martín Navas

    Hello, I have the same question with the SPAIN FULL TOPO:

    Not only you have all the RTMAP files in the <user>/Documents/CompeGPS/maps/SPAIN_RTMAP/

    Buy also you find the ZIP and the uncompressed RTMAPS below C:\ProgramData\TwoNavDownloader_Env\ciwdata\

    My question is if I can remove everything under C:\ProgramData\TwoNavDownloader_Env\ciwdata\ without causing any disaster. Or if this is not possible, what may I remove for getting back HD space without further problems.

    Thank you for your answer. Best regards



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    Juan Francisco Martín Navas


    Thanks a lot! Merci bien!

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    Seydoux Denis


    Even though, it is true that in some cases the file size can be really big, so it could actually be a problem.

    Maybe we should re-think this process in the future

    Nowadays, many computers have one small system hard drive (128GB on mine) and one much larger data drive.

    Unfortunately, the programData folder (where TwoNavDownloader_Env is located) is by on default on the system drive. As well as documents, videos, music etc... I have moved these ones to the data drive when I've configured my new computer. But not programData.

    And after I have downloaded the latest IGN maps for whole France, I had only 3GB left on my system drive! (60GB in the TwoNavDownloader_Env folder)

    Of course, the problem is that the data folders were installed by default on the small system drive.

    But, yes, if think that maybe you should re-think this process (at least, let the user choose a folder, and/or display a warning and a delete temp files button...)


    best regards

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Here is the forum you address mainly to other users, you have to "send a request" at the top of this page to send your remark to the after-sales service, it would be better to be more numerous to do it, more luck d 'be heard.

    To get around this there are two solutions

    1. Move ... / my documents / to another partition (d: / for example) which is quite easy with Windows (See Window help).
    2. Or create a specific Land working directory on a larger partition, then in the GPS.ini file which is in c: / programdata you must modify all the paths. Both of these solutions are effective.

    The update has other side effects:

    1. All the paths are not updated correctly to ... / my documents / .. Which causes some anomalies
    2. Changing folders in file / option seems to no longer work.


    Best regards




    Ici c'est le forum tu t'adresse principalement aux autres utilisateurs, il faut "envoyer une demande" en haut de cette page pour adresser ta remarque au SAV, ca serai mieux d'être plus nombreux à le faire, plus de chances d'être entendu.

    Pour contourner cela il y a deux solutions

    1. Déplacer .../mes documents/ sur une autre partition (d:/ par exemple) ce qui est assez facile avec Windows (Voir l'aide Window).
    2. Ou créer un répertoire de travail Land spécifique sur une partition plus volumineuse, ensuite dans le fichier GPS.ini qui est dans c:/programdata il faut modifier tous les chemins. Ces deux solutions sont efficaces.

    La mise à  jour a d'autres effets indésirables:

    1. Tous les chemins ne sont pas mis  à jour correctement vers .../mes documents/.. Ce qui provoques quelques anomalies 
    2. La modification des dossiers dans fichier/option semble ne plus fonctionner. 


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    wayne walker

    I have the same issue and on a smaller PC it could be a problem

    I notice this 6years OLD 

    AND a note on the last post 

    Maybe we should re-think this process in the future. 

    I am today downloading the OS maps onto my LAND application   and gues what - they are downloadign the TAR files (even though they are still all still in the folder


    AND then decompressing and re-installing - again all exist on the \TwoNavDownloader_Env 

    so would be very simple just to check that folder 

    on LAND looking at the instructions , I used the User ICON and install purcased MAPS , maybe another menu item 

    as i did download to a ROC , and had the option to also add to LAND - but at that time i was not sure if i would use LAND 

    to be honest STILL Not sure if i will, but giving it a go 

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