TwoNav Land - Support des fichier mbtiles
Pensez vous un jour intégrer le support des fichiers au format MBTILES ?
Bonjour Jean-Michel,
Merci pour votre suggestion.
Nous avons entendu parler de ce format. Il serait bon d'en savoir un peu plus sur les avantages. Je comprends qu'il existe des cartes gratuites dans ce format et que la compression est assez bonne. Donc, ce sont les principales raisons de faire pression, non?
Désolé du retard de ma réponse.
Oui c'est un format un peu répandu. Pas autant que rmap mais il existe des cartes distribuées dans ce format.
Quand à faire pression..., non je ne fait pas pression, je demande :D
Mais d'autres softs tels que OruxMaps et LocusMap les supportent.
Donc rien de prévu pour l'instant ?
Je parle de «pression» comme moyen de parler :-)
Nous écoutons la communauté et rassemblons les raisons des développements. Si nous avons plus de raisons, alors nous pouvons faire pour le développement.
Il n'est pas prévu d'ajouter cette fonctionnalité à court terme, mais nous envisageons pour l'avenir.
La cartografía de Cataluña la presentan en mbtiles en formato vectorial ocupando muy poco espacio y con una gran calidad. Está disponible para OruxMaps como comentaban antes los compañeros y en una propia app del ICC que permite descargar el mapa rápidamente y verlo online con capacidades de gps y track. Hoy estaba con un GPS de otr marca pero con el móbil el mapa mbtiles para verlo bien. Sería un puntazo que el Twonav lo soportase.
Veo que el ING tambien empieza a publicar en mbtiles:
Good evening,
What are you making cards for? For what activity?
If I ask you this question, it's because I have a solution to create a raster map using Q GIS.
But you have to go through another software, to import the Q GIS layers, assemble the map, and export it in KMZ, or in an Image format (PNg, JPG) or PDF.
With this solution it is possible to add the relief.
Land 8.9.6 opens KMZ format, and you can convert to .imp.
On the other hand, at this stage the export from the KMZ format to a format accepted by the GPS does not work.
But if you export JPG, or PNG with Land you can open them and convert them to rmap.
I have a tutorial, but it's in French.
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Panneaux latéraux -
Hi Thierry, at first thanks for your offer. I currently use QGIS as my repository of maps and geographical information for walking (with my horse or on foot). I use either Google Sat or IGN France aerial photography as base map, and I overlay with layers containing roads, paths, rivers, city names, hiking routes (possible, not possible with my horse), military terrains, water crossings/bridges, parkings, "voie vertes", water taps etc. etc. So no more traditional topographical maps that are seldom updated for me. I create maps with all the information of above, in MBTILES format, and save them on an old smartphone which functions as dedicated GPS. It works wonderful. After every hike, important information I feed into my QGIS repository to update my maps.
Unfortunately, QGIS is very user-unfriendly when it comes to preparing/creating a track/walk, and afterwards analyzing a track/walk. That's where I use Land. So it would be very helpful if I had the same customized maps in QGIS and Land. I now have to go via MOBAC to convert MBTILES to RMAP but it is not very efficient for me since I update QGIS very often.
I'm not a programmer, so I do not understand why in heaven's name Land can not import MBTILES when LocusMaps and others can. Por favor CompeGPS!
Good evening,
Why don't you export as a raster? A priori it works, Land opens a raster exported from Q GIS in tif.
The repository that you create with QGIS also exists, it is Openstreetmap.
Do you know Openstreetmap, the update process, with JOSM for example?
At first, I tried to do like you to make my own up-to-date cards.
There is a solution, which seems to me much simpler and more effective. It consists of updating Openstreetmap, you can put everything there, all the elements that appear in your answer and more.
Then you can extract from OpenStreetMap the map of an area, or a region, or a country, or even more.
Land opens the format you exported example .osm, and you can convert it to another format.
In Land you can modify the visual aspect of the map, according to your need.
The only real work is updating OSM, but that's done it's set in stone. Usable everywhere on all OSM cards
cordiallyVectorial Map
OSM update, then Land Import, visual customization, add relief curves, and export for a GPS
Idem, after update track inOSM for MTB & Hike, and may be used by Horse, but the data is not update in OSM
Idem, with an other visual customization by Land
Raster map, OSM / QGIS / OOMAP / Land,
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