Storiing Maps Externally/Arcivar cartas en un USB
Good Evening. I am contemplating buying a TwoNav Velo but want to ask, because there is no SDCard option, if you can store a library of purchased tiles on your computer (or thumb drive) and upload to the device only the maps you need for a specific tour or ride?
Buenas Tardes. Pienso en comprarme un TwoNav Velo pero lo que quiero saber antes es ¿si se puede comprar una biblioteca de cartas que son archivadas externalmente por ejemplo en el ordenador o en una memoria USB? Me parece que la memoria interna del dispositiivo resulta poca para muchas cartas tal como se puedan acumular mediiante recorridos cerca de casa tal como gran recorriidos al extranjero.
I am an user (so not official).
The VELO has 12 GB free to store data (maps and routes). It's like a hard disk or a USB key when it's full, you have to delete some files to put others.
The VELO can be connected (only) to a computer via USB or WIFI to have other maps. (if it is maps with a register code, do not forget it)
I do not know which maps you want, or how much they will take up space.
To have the French region below in tiles at 1:25 000, a map at 1: 100 100 and a 1: 1 000 000, count about 5 GB.But it is no High definition nor orthopictures tiles (more bigs)
To have official answer, ask a "PRIVATE REQUEST"
But I think you can't connect an USB device exepted a computeur.
Best regards
I have a GPS with 1.6 Go of internal memory and 1.8Go on a SD CARD. I used this GPS since ten years, during this time I buy 300 TILES , the SD card is 75% full with TILES ROADS and Tracks. The internal memory is 60% full no TILE is loaded in the internal memory.
Yes you can store a part of the library of purchased tiles on your computer and upload to the device only the maps you need for a specific tour or ride.
You can store up to 1500/1800 TILES with 12Go of memory!
The dawnload of TILE is always available, but by only the TILES located on your road!
Best regards
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