
14 Kommentare

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    Jules Savignac

    D'abord bonjour (entre gens civilisés, ça se fait).

    Ensuite vous êtes sur un Forum d'utilisateurs et les participants répondent si ils en ont envie : pas la peine de multiplier les posts pour ça, au contraire ça indispose plutôt.

    Enfin si vous voulez revenir à TN Android 3.3.10, vous trouverez l'Apk là : http://www.compegps.com/download/TwoNav_Outdoor_GPS_Map_Navigation-3.3.10.apk 

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  • Bonjour,

    Il y a toujours la bonne vieille 3.2.8


    Ou la 3.3.4


    Donc, on désinstalle la version X, on télécharge l'APK de la version Y que l'on met dans un répertoire Android et on demande à Android d'installer la version Y.


    Un utilisateur

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Placer des cartes et des traces dans l'appli TwoNav est un jeu d'enfant.

    Le tuto est fait pour ceux qui veulent déplacer des fichiers volumineux, il y a beaucoup plus simple il suffit d'utiliser la notion "envoyer" au lieu de "importer".

    Dans Land ouvrir la trace, clic droit dessus : Envoyer à et choisir le SmartPhone, hop c'est dans la mémoire du SmartPhone (ca passe par le GoCloud) tous types de routes ou traces (*.gpx; *.trk; *,wpt). Ensuite menu route pour l'ouvrir.

    Pour vos cartes : Boutique, allez acheter france topo .. Ca installe un outil qui visualise le lieu ou sont vos dalle on touche l'écran. Si la carte n'a pas été renouvelée elle s'installe gratis, sinon c'est demi tarif

    Autre solution : Créer un dossier spécifique dans Google Drive puis deux sous dossiers /map, /data..

    • Dans google drive copiez vos cartes dans /map et vos traces dans /data (avec votre arborescence Land). Clic dans le dossier et importer un fichier ...
    • Sur le SmartPhone aller dans Google Drive, ouvrez votre dossier/data/... clic sur la trace => elle est ouverte dans TwoNav.
    • Pour les cartes ca fonctionne de la même manière.

    Par cette seconde méthode les cartes et traces sont dans le cache, elles y restent tant qu'elle sont sélectionnées même TwoNav sur OFF.  Pour les remettre y a ka retourner dans Google drive

    • Facile non?




    Ps: TwoNav travaille a rendre l'accès aux dossiers de stockage des cartes et traces a partir de l'appli. 

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    Luca Zavanella

    Hello Everybody,
    thank you for the suggestion to revert to old versions of Twonav in order to escape the several problems added by the most recent updates.
    Unfortunaely it appears that Android 11 makes this very hard or impossibile: every attempt to install the APK fails with message "App not installed", although I have authorized "install unknown apps" and disabled "Play Protect".

    Seems we are hooked to the infamous most recent version of Twonav and cannot reverd to an older, "less worse" version...

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Hello Luca,

    The basic problem is not related to Android 11 nor to the Two Nav App itself, but to the software overlays introduced by certain manufacturers (Samsung, Apple, etc ...). On other SmartPhone (without software overlay) the TwoNav App works correctly with Android 11, the user has access to the files of the shared memory as well as to the SD card. TwoNav is working (according to the feedback from the after-sales service) to set up a parade.

    These software overlays officially have a role of interface customization (MMI), and according to some a role of IT protection. Very debatable argument, because given the difficulty of access to the directories hidden by these overlays, there is probably more collection of information linked to the user than security Wall (a PC antivirus never blocks the access of the files to the user. the user!).

    In any case, it is an experience which shows that we must nowadays be very vigilant when purchasing hardware and software.

    On My SmartPhone TwoNav works!

    Best regards

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    Jules Savignac

    Hi Lucas

    To answer precisely to your question, you need to completely uninstall the in place newest version and then only try to install the oldest one. I did this on several occasions (but never with TN 5 versions) and it worked.

    For older versions see here <https://support.twonav.com/hc/fr/community/posts/4404432679954/comments/4404439517970> (TN 3.3.10) or here <https://support.twonav.com/hc/fr/community/posts/4404432679954/comments/4404434394642>.

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    Luca Zavanella

    HelloThierry and Jules for sharing your competent insight.
    All this (mess from Compe + mess from Manufacturers+ mess from Android) brings me back tho the old 90ties (remeber Windows 95?), when every installation or upgrade was a shot in the dark and often would trigger a sequence of problems that were supposedly solved by horrifying "instructions" from vendors, requesting 30+ steps in order to "fix", with next-to-nul probability of success!

    My problems are on a Galaxy A51: not exactly a manufacturer that Compe may afford to "forget" to test on...

    Why didn't they do some decent debugging before releasing? (given that I have rported bugs in Land and Twonav 6-8 years ago that are STILL in the present versions, it is doubtful that a new version was so urgent...)

    Thank you for your help!

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    Luca Zavanella

    @Jules: indeed the OLD version got installed after uninstalling the most recent version, as you suggested.
    Thank you!


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    Luca Zavanella

    Reverted to 3.3.10... slow and "ugly" as usual, but at least it works...

    The trick consumed one more premium license... :(

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  • Hello,

    The trick consumed one more premium license... :(

    What happens to you seems contrary to the conditions of sale. You should contact CompeGPS by "send a request" and told them what appened to you. May be they'll give you a license.

    An user

    Best regards

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    Luca Zavanella

    Thank you user, I appreciate your concern, but, after being a user of Compe for nearly ten years, I am perfectly aware that there is no such thing as a Compe Support, less even any hope for replies (I have reported dozens of bugs in the past 8 years: all discussions have been "closed" and most bugs are still there, version after version...) (curios about a small list? ;)  Try to copy/paste a track in Land from V7 to today, and see how the resulting trach, when zoomed closely, is disrupted...)

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  • For bugs you are right but they give often some license in case of an issue.

    Recently they gave me back a license. What do you risk to try ?

    Best regards

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    Luca Zavanella

    Makes sense! ;)


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    Luca Zavanella

    It may be useful to users who also needed to revert back to an obsolete (buto workable) version of Twonav from old apk's: right after installing from the apk, make sure you disable the "automatic update" feature for the app, otherwise it will very soon update once more to the most recent/faulty version, bringing all problems back and deleting the old version.

    If you disable "automatic update", the app will stay at the version you installed from APK. Of course, when (if...) one day a newer, working, bettere version is made available, you will need to be aware of it and decide to risk to update...

    Hope this is of help.


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