- Download content from Strava. From the data tree, in Online Files, you can download different Strava files.
The first 3 are your personal Strava files, so access requires that you have the TwoNav connection with Strava configured from Settings on go.twonav.com- Activities
- Routes
- Segments (favorites)
- Segments (explore)
- Strava Activities and Segments to discover have Filters to refine your search.
Filters can be accessed by pressing the right button.
- Activities: Date Filter.
- Segments (Discover)
- Activity type filter (Bike, Running)
- Difficulty filters
- Compatible with the new data derived from powermeter available in TwoNav.
- New 'Font Size' track property for tracks and waypoint files, which defines the font size of the labels.
In the case of waypoints, if the size is defined in the individual waypoint, it takes precedence over the general one - The activities also appear in the route list, within the Tracklog folder, to have a complete view of all the tracks on the device.
"Import waypoints as Roadbook Points" function in contextual Track
New 'File Location' property in track properties.
Other minor improvements.
Fixed issues:
- Waypoints cannot be copied to a track by creating roadbook points.
- Duplicate roadbook point information on map in GPX files.
- Various improvements to synchronization with GO.
- Various stability improvements.
- Other minor problems.
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