- The purchase of products from TwoNav website involves registration of user data at TwoNav’ database, while buying the same product at Apple Store and Google Play the user data is entered at Apple’s and Google’s internal databases.
- TwoNav provides support assistance on software problems to both customers: buyers who bought the product at TwoNav website as well as clients who bought the good at any of the platforms. Support cannot be provided in terms of user management (personal data changes, register code etc…) for Apple Store and Google Play.
- The installation process of our products at Apple devices (iPhone, iPad…) and Google devices (Android) is instantaneous: you only need to select the product inside the market of applications, accept the payment and install it. While the purchase via TwoNav website involves a longer process: payment, downloading and installing.
Note: TwoNav does not intend to encourage you to purchase products at any specific platform, TwoNav only emphasizes the peculiarities and conditions of each of the current platforms in order to provide more information to our users before they choose his best platform option.
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