Page Windows à l'allumage sur Delta
Je suis en cours d'achat d'un Delta sur un site de vente bien connu, à réception de l'appareil, il ne captait aucun signal GPS.
J'ai tenté une mise à jour car il était en version 2.7 alors que le mien est en 2.9, la mise à jour ne voulait pas s'installer, le message d'erreur "internet erreur 404" apparaissait à chaque tentatives.
J'ai ensuite lancé une réparation, j'ai eu le même message.
Je l'ai ensuite débranché pour changer la batterie car elle était faible, au redémarrage, je n'ai plus que la page windows à l'affichage...
Une idée ?
Merci d'avance
Search in your my files directory for the Land directory, it should be named something like:
In this directory there is a backup folder which could be the place where your backup is stored. Search somthing that has a connection to the Delta.
PS: 1) Which Windows version you are using? 2) Which Land version are you using?
PPS: I never did backup a device with Land. Why should I trust a software to do that better than me. The most imprtant thing for you is to find file with the suffix .mkey or .mkeyb which was on the device, probably in the TwoNavData folder. The rest can be restored.
Go outside from Land with a filemanager to:
C:\User\Laurent\OneDrive\Documents\CompeGPS\data\CompeGPS_Backup and show me the content of:
1) C:\User\Laurent\OneDrive\Documents\CompeGPS\data\CompeGPS_Backup
2) C:\User\Laurent\OneDrive\Documents\CompeGPS\data\CompeGPS_Backup\DE00003503
3) C:\User\Laurent\OneDrive\Documents\CompeGPS\data\CompeGPS_Backup\DE00003503\270
5) C:\User\Laurent\OneDrive\Documents\CompeGPS\data\CompeGPS_Backup\DE00003503\270\TwoNav
OK, to be on the safe side, we try to create a list of the files and folders in:
1) C:\Divers Laurent\GPS DELTA
Press Windows + R and type into the window: cmd.exe
2) If you get a black command window type:
tree C:\Divers Laurent\GPS DELTA /f > C:\Divers Laurent\GPS DELTA\content.txt
And sent me the content of the newly created
C:\Divers Laurent\GPS DELTA\content.txt
You can send the file to my mail if it is too large:
Try this:
tree "C:\Divers Laurent\GPS DELTA" /f > "C:\Divers Laurent\GPS DELTA\content.txt"
or if this is not working, run cmd as admin as described here:
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