I bought the TOPO Netherland from TwoNav. The Land software told me that I need a vector , so there is no information in the twonav shop at each card which is able for FastTrack.
This is documented in the user manual. A topographic map (Raster Map) is a picture (or a drawing) like a photo, automatic or semi-automatic routing computing have no issue on a drawing. A vector map is designed as a database of virtuals objects documenting their nature in different data layers. A software can compute the data allowing it to follow a road (like the GPS of your car). The drawing function will draw all the objects with lines, there is no pixelation effect. In your case you have to acquire (but in principle delivered at the time of purchase) and select either an OSM or TomTom Map.
Best regards from a French user
You can read:
read the description till: Important: As of 14Q1 version, OSM maps are routable but do not allow address search.
Thanks, TwoNav is new for me (come from Garmin), but TwoNav is the same foggy company than Garmin, this is my first impression after ordering Land Premium and the first map (Netherland from TwoNav shop). No information that this map is not able for routing. I just worked with base camp and the Topo Germany from Garmin and each map is able to route automaticly. I want to have this possibility to create very fast routs for bicycle. Today I expect my ordered TwoNav Cross and am not sure wether I will send this back and stay with Garmin. Sorry, but has anybody an idea where I can get OSM maps in topo 1:25000 quality for the land Premium?
Another point is that TwoNav has an webshop in germany but no usermanual in German for their products, also no German speaking support.
You can have help in your language there:
Garmin / TwoNav a big fight !
TwoNav is more configurable. Hard at the begenning but when you "got it" YEAH !!!
Garmin's are "TOPO and VECTOR" not at TwoNav but you can stack the maps on top of each other, have a VECTOR guide you in the background and have a topo displayed. (the same in Land.)
Cross has a German manual.
You can extract OSM aeras:;sw_lat=47.265;ne_lng=11.018;ne_lat=47.75;format=osm.pbf;city=Allgaeu_Kleinwalsertal;lang=de
There is a procedure to adapt them for TwoNav.
You can use online maps in Land to make your own maps (in the manual).
Best regards
To obtain OSM maps and save them in a format readable by our systems:
For you must choose osm.bz2 format.
For, choose OSM XML gzip's
The files must be decompressed to obtain an .OSM file. Open this file in Land (for example) and convert it to MPV or MPVF.
But I am sorry, I forgot, they are not topo but MPV/F a vector format (Fasttrack do not like them).
Free OSM routable maps here, (German site in english) : (bottom of page)
Sorry, no netherlands .... leave the information anyway, eventualy useful for someone ! -
Hello Claus,
the Cross is delivered with these OSM maps Europa west. Included in the package is the licence OSM world
So you should have this map but it is not installed in your GPS nor in Land. You should log into your MyTwoNav / maps. You are developing OSM EUROPA WEST (or OSM World). You should find the Netherlands in the list of countries contained in this map pack. Click on Install with your GPS connected by USB to your computer and follow the instructions. Same procedure to install the map in Land. You can do it (Land and GPS) at the same time because the soft Downloader will be activated and it will see Land and your GPS. Check the boxes to tell the Downloader where to install the map.
Best regards
An user
PS: Hello Gert, nice to read you !
Hello Gerd,
I took the deliverd OSM map, in case I try to use fasttrack to plan , the Land gave me an error: "you have to use a vector map". Not possible to use fastTrack.
I'm new with TwoNav, but it seems to be that TwoNav isn't ready for an real support- they have an German Shop, but only one phone number in Barcelona. Yesterday I got my Cross and by the way, additional issues: bluetooth connection with my Android failed, permanent. Cross told me that the connectivity WLAN has a bad signal - my total home has a mesh system network and all other devices has an 100% signal. I tried to connect a Garmin 62s to Land, it seems to work and Land shows me my Garmin 62s , but the sending of a gpx file from Land (set), Land told me "wrong file format", ???? gpx ist the format for Garmin. So, my impression is: TwoNav should build up immidiatly a good support structur for each country. I have via mail contact to Carlos, employee in Spain and he told me via mail, that TwoNav didn't found the problem with Cross at several customer, so I#m not allone with problems. I will send back my Cross and will stay with Garmin as long as TwoNav improve their business. Sale allone is not enough, support ist the factor for customer.
Several years ago Loudini (a member of the Naviboard forum) made a German manual for Land 7.6.8. I put you a link to download it. It can help you understand some terms and concepts related to TwoNav. Current Land 8 no longer does .RTE files (but always read old.rte).
Once downloaded, please notify me so I can delete the file from my cloud.!Aotx1NzTCBmjj2EzNSMDeIinFmgR
Best regards
It’s a pity that you made this decision.
I think we could have solved some of your issues.
Only some remarks.
Afaik (not 100% sure) there are German speaking people at CompeGPS.
This forum mainly is used by French speaking users.
Spanish user in general visit,
And germans, like me, you can find at
This is a user forum and employees of Compegps do not participate here.
As CompeGPS is a small company and it’s main distribution area is Spain and France how I assume,
I don’t expect an expansion of support especially for German user for example.
And by the way, the few contacts I had to German Garmin Support in the past, are really not worth to contact them again.Back to your CROSS:
- WIFI: I agree that signal reception could be better. If I’m a bit to far away from my fritzbox router, I also sometimes have problems to get a connection.
- FASTTRACK: This message in general indicates that there are no routing informations in the map. I will check it with Netherlands OSM map being back at home.
Ok, i just downloaded the map and created a track usinf FASTRACK function. I can reproduce your issue if i start placing the startpoint not on a road, way for example. It is possible to combine both types of creation ( on network and offroad). But if you go on with FASTTRACK you have to place a point on a way if activate/reactivate FASTTRACK. Otherwise you might get in trouble.
Did you follow these instructions:!55smartphone.htm!22installation.htmThere are things to pay attention to, e.g in my case that with actual LINK i do not can get any notification for example. But i general i didn't had problems pairing the devices with my Samsung A5 2017
I no longer have a suitable device and unfortunately I cannot test it.
I'm not sure if “send to ..” can even be used in connection with a Garmin.
Since the device is recognized as a mass storage device, you can also copy the file directly from LAND to the relevant Garmin folder.
Try that with a single track as GPX and only then with several tracks and possibly additional waypoints
With sending to my TRAIL2 i didn't had any problem.Maybe you should open a thread at I think there is a better chance
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