How to Overlay a Picture in Land Software and then in Aventura2 ???
is there an easy way to overlay a Picture of a Map as an Overlay?
Import into Land and send it then to Aventura2?
What do you want to do exactly ?
- Display a Picture, any kind of picutre as lanscape?
- Display a Map as mymap.tif, mymap.Bmp or my map.jpg (raster map ?)
For Example a google kml map is a lot of jpeg tile. You have to open this kind of map with Land and save to imp or rmap format..
Or an other way, scan a paper map to jpeg, Tif or bmp. With Land in the map menu used the calibrate or import item to open this file (To calibrate it you have to put 4 WayPoint on google map before).
Good hikes
Calibrate visually on a "small" screen, I wish you a lot of fun, especially for a GPS whose accuracy reaches 3 m. Your "calibrated" card will be distorted, imprecise or shifted, for a correct calibration you need at least 3 (see 4) with less than 3 points (well spaced) there is always a distorting visual effect! Anyway to have the map in your GPS you have to import it via the USB cable, so with a PC. The calibration step is done through the PC. Otherwise do not try to do complicated when it is simple, generate your map with MOBAC or OSM / API OVERPASS the map will be georeferenced you just have to load it into the GPS and open it ..
The next picture (Screenshots) is to 72 dpi, the Gps Screen 300 dpi it is 4 x better!!!
Rmap create with MOBac
Vmap create with OSM / ApiOverpass (Save the map to mvpf)
Yes but the OSM map is not mapnik or the german map TOpoPlus. so i need to use a picture overlay. because twonav can't open their Database to all. Freizeitkarte from germany told me thats not possible to make support for twonav because they have a cloed system.
iam all the stucking with somethink is missing in my maps.
in some map is hunting cabin missing in other the look i dont like. the third has black points where the cities are. the original osm map is very old 6 years right now.
twonav is one of the highest perfomance gps i ever tried but then the software & maps kill all the advantages.
thats very sad !
I am sorry in advance if I do not fully understand your requests.
TwoNav has a "multi-maps" system. So you can open multiple maps for the same area.
Vector maps are "transparent". You can overlay multiple vector maps and you will see them all on the screen (Land or GPS).For Topographic maps, they are like paper, therefore opaque. They must be under the vectors. In this case, you see a topographic and a vector maps.
To see several topographic maps on the screen at the same time, with Land you can activate a transparency parameter for these maps.TwoNav 3.xx also allows, in the GPS, to put a transparency. For TN 4.xx, I don't know.
Maybe this transparency of the topos can help you if TN 4.xx can do it.
An user
Best regards
If you have a picture (JPG or else Land know), you can draw on it your own informations.
Then you have to calibrate the picture as a map. (RMAP)!4133calibratemaps.htm
If your RMAP does not have a copyright, Land allows you to separate this RMAP into an IMP file and an image file.
Once you have the image file, with a photo software you can put whatever you want into it.
Then, with Land, we can reconstruct the RMAP.In this link, a ZIP file that contains 4 RMAPs.!Aotx1NzTCBmjj24s6kouaLTAtMoK?e=wwB4x4
Berlin2.rmap (an area in the North / East): a map I made with Land and its selection tool on an online Land's map for Germany.
Berlin2 Photo.rmap: the same map but with a big flower to show you the modifications that can be made.
Berlin2 transparent.rmap: the same map but processed not in JPG but in PNG. This image format allows colors to be made transparent (this is not the same as the transparency that Land offers). This means that you normally have an RMAP, opaque in principle, but which has transparent areas. This map can be on another RMAP and its transparent areas show the map below.
Berlin2 more transparent.rmap: same as Berlin2 transparent.rmap but I exaggerated the transparency areas.
Load these maps into Land and play with them.
Unfortunately, Land does not allow large areas to be made. You have to make small areas and an IMP file to load these small areas at the same time.
Best regards
An user, Laurent
thank you for sharing the files. it really helped me out with the putting in maps.
but the thing with getting an image in i still dont understand right.
the other thing with create a selection (with the selection tool) and save to new map is really cool feature. thats really easy way! but yeah only small files. but for some important section it will be a game changer !!! Thank you !!!
but the thing with getting an image in i still dont understand right.
First of all, thanks to Ottawa68 from the old CompeGPS forum for this tip.
If you do not have Save as..., your map has a copyright. It is blocked !
Repeat 1) "Save as" for an IMP
Now you have two files an IMP and a picture.
Keep the IMP for the future and you can work on the picture.
When done, you can rename the picture but you will have to edit the IMP by a text editor.
When the picture and the IMP are ready in the same directory, you launch Land and open the IMP.
As 1), clic on the IMP and Save as RMAP (don't chosse "blocked compeGPS rmap).
You have a new RMAP with the picture you want because you did it !
Best regards
EDIT: my free photo software only accepts 256 colors in PNG format.
For Land 8.9.4 64 bytes, the download was here but !!!!!!! it is now missing. I downloaded it at the beginning of this afternoon. ??????????????
Another mistake of CompeGPS !!!!
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