TwoNav App 5.0 public beta
The TwoNav team has been working inthe recent months to update the TwoNav App.
We have focused on correcting historical problems, improving usability, and adding connectivity, both with the GO cloud and with other platforms (Strava, Training Peaks, Suunto, Komoot ...).
Development will not end here. There will be maintenance and new features.
At the moment we are in the testing phase, and it is very helpful that users test the version, give us their opinion, and report any problems that may still exist.
Instructions for testing the current version can be found at the following link:
We would appreciate any opinion or bug report.
Many problems are solved.
- e.g. maps > 2 GB works
- recording tracks with app in background or display off, works fine
But there some things, which are not nice:
- licence get lost on update to 5.0.0, for the app and also for the maps!
- no access to the download folder
- can't connect to gps chip on some smartphone (e.g. Doogee S70 Lite running Android 8.1)
But no problems on a Redmi Note 7 running Android 10 - with SD-Card as separate memory device, data conversion to new folder structure failed
I hope Compe solve all open issue. The new 5.0.0 version is on a good way.
The Version is out.
On my Redmi Note 7, no any changes in behavior. That's okay.
It looks better on the Doogee S70 Lite with Android 8.1.
After installing the App looped for some minutes, than it get connected to the GPS chip.
I restart the App, it loops this time only 3 times.
things getting better :)
Ray -
Hello Raymond,
Thanks for your comments.
About looping 3 times at start. Could you please press 'Status report' at 'Configuration > System > About'? Then we will receive more information about the device and we can analyse.
About accessing other folders than the ones defined for the App, we can investigate for the future, but the tendency in Android is to restrict this kind of use. We made an article to inform about how it works now. In summary, files have to be in Android/Data (internal memory or SD). Files should be automatically migrated from internal memory, but for SD card, they have to be moved manually.
I used the App at the weekend, I can't observe the problem with looping any more.
I don't like the security restrictions of Android, too.
But there must be an easy way to exchange data.
I can say in some other Apps, "send to ..."/"open with ..." on a GPX file.
In your article you describe this also.Out of GMail, TotalCommander it works fine. TwoNav receive the GPX file and open it.
Do this from Telegramm, Signal or GMX Mail App, don't work properly.
TwoNav start up, but it don't open the GPX file.
And how does I get tracks out of TwoNav?
I miss the option "Send to ..." in the context menu on a recorded track.
The only way, which I found is to use TotalCommander.
Ray -
Is the above mentioned APK for Android or iOS?
Uploaded the newest Version 5.0.3 on my iPad, but TwoNav does start with a bug: "Kennenlernen"-Screen has no button to click away.
Yes, thanks, that worked.
First try to load an old track let the program crash. Second try worked better.
The new display design lists all my old tracks in the iPad divided in either “Routes” or “My Activities”. This is a bit strange, as I do not understand why one is listed in which of these.
There are more bugs in the horizontal mode, when you try to text edit names of tracks or maps.
Load a file (track, map), go into the menu to re-name the file.
- the "blackmarked" file name doesn't show you the exact position of the text cursor.
- there is no "tool" (mouse) to position the the text cursor.
- once you have made changes you don't see the "save" or "cancel" button
- once you have closed the keyboard panel there is no possibility to re-activate the keyboard panel (this behaviour is even in portrait mode).
"Manipulation" and working on files is impossible in the actual version of TwoNav as the "Save"-button does not exist (is not visible). And worse: you even don't get out of the situation. You always have to crash the software to restart again.
My IPhone 11pro surprised me by automatically updating to 5.0.2 a couple of days back and since then has become almost useless a navigational tool..
The TwoNavPremium keeps locking up and the screen blacking out, to restore life I have to close & reopen..once I start a track it may lock up & I loose the map to a black screen.
The basic TwoNav license is slightly better, at least I can see the map I am following.
However then saving the file seems a mystery..why was the 'share' feature dropped, it was a fail safe way of saving the days hikes to the web & my IMac
Accessing the files to/from the IMac doesn't per other items similar to Triain Grigorian above
Fortunately I have an android phone & an Anima..this seems to be an untested app..can I go back to the previous version which worked ok??
Hello from Russia!
Samsung A52 and M31s
TwoNav 5.0.31.It's good that the re-center button is now near to the zoom buttons and you don't need to reach it as before, but it would be better if their position on the left or right could be changed in the settings, both for left-handed and right-handed people. Garmin has it and TwoNav should have it.
2.Unlike the TwoNav 3.1, TwoNav 5.0 does not have...
Settings-Full Settings- Advanced-Permanent zoom click-Please Add!
Otherwise, there is no protection against sticking of zoom touch buttons in the rain.3.Unlike the TwoNav 3.1, TwoNav 5.0 does not have...
Therefore, it is impossible to use physical volume buttons to zoom in/out of the map, etc.
it is possible to add up to four fuctions to them, just replace this:
<keysDefinitions><keyDefinition key="164" when="shortpressed" onlyInPages="*"command="CompeEngCommand:2445" break="true" editable="true" title="MENU short"
comments="MENU:Command_Vistas_Tools_Menu" />
<keyDefinition key="170" when="shortpressed"onlyInPages="*" command="CompeEngCommand:0" comments="VK_BROWSER_SEARCH == 0" editable="true"
<keyDefinition key="38" when="pressed"onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap" command="CompeEngCommand:132"
comments="VKUP = Command_Vistas_Pan_Arriba" />
<keyDefinition key="40"when="pressed" onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap"
command="CompeEngCommand:133" comments="VK_DOWN = Command_Vistas_Pan_Abajo" />
<keyDefinition key="37" when="pressed"
onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap" command="CompeEngCommand:134"
comments="VK_LEFT = Command_Vistas_Pan_Izquierda" />
<keyDefinition key="39"when="pressed" onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap"
command="CompeEngCommand:135" comments="VK_RIGHT = Command_Vistas_Pan_Derecha" />
<keyDefinition key="175" when="shortpressed" onlyInPages="*"command="CompeEngCommand:2445" break="true" editable="true" title="{G154}"
comments="VK_VOLUME_UP == Command_Audio_Sube_Volumen"/>
<keyDefinition key="174" when="shortpressed" onlyInPages="*"command="CompeEngCommand:2435" break="true" editable="true" title="{G155}"
comments="VK_VOLUME_DOWN == Command_Audio_Baja_Volumen"/>
<keyDefinition key="175" when="longpressed" onlyInPages="*"command="CompeEngCommand:2445" break="true" editable="true" title="{G154} Long"
comments="VK_VOLUME_UP == Command_Audio_Sube_Volumen"/>
<keyDefinition key="174" when="longpressed" onlyInPages="*"command="CompeEngCommand:2435" break="true" editable="true" title="{G155} Long"
comments="VK_VOLUME_DOWN == Command_Audio_Baja_Volumen"/>
<keyDefinition key="38" when="pressed"onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap" command="CompeEngCommand:132"
comments="VKUP = Command_Vistas_Pan_Arriba" />
<keyDefinition key="40" when="pressed"onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap" command="CompeEngCommand:133"
comments="VK_DOWN = Command_Vistas_Pan_Abajo" />
<keyDefinition key="37" when="pressed"onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap" command="CompeEngCommand:134"
comments="VK_LEFT = Command_Vistas_Pan_Izquierda" />
<keyDefinition key="39" when="pressed"onlyInPages="pageMain,pageMenuChooseWithMap,pageShowInMap" command="CompeEngCommand:135"
comments="VK_RIGHT = Command_Vistas_Pan_Derecha" />
</keysDefinitions>4.Magnetic bearing don't working and shows nothing. So this can't be used by volunteers in rescue missions.
5.TwoNav 5.0, like any other version, does not have in Units - Millimeters (Hg). Garmin has it and TwoNav should have it to. Russian wheater reports use only this Unit, not any other.
6.The claimed ability to read cards from SD drive, not working on Samsung A52 and M31s.
7.Is it so difficult to make a Russian voice? Is that why you pulled phrases from other navigation programs?
Video review of TwoNav 5.0 on my channel and VK-group(5k+peoples) will be soon...
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