TwoNav 5.0.3 Android not workng well.



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    Uran Wert

    Video review of TwoNav 5.0 -

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Hère ils the forum for exchange between user's. Ton sent tour Fred back to TwoNav tout must use the Link sens a request on thé top of this page.

    Best regards from an other user

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  • Bonjour,

    Here is the forum for exchange between users. To send your feeback to TwoNav you must use the link "send a request" at the top of this page.


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Merci.. fait rapidement (entre la poire et le fromage) à partir d'un smartphone resté en correcteur Français, vu que notre ami fait un second envoi dans le vide!

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Yes I think because ..../..../ en_US (For English US) / request/ 18832 (is only visible from your personal account)

    For my contry (France) this is the link to the after-sales service front door

    Good ride in russia..


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    Uran Wert


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    For the French, the after-sales service response takes place within 48 hours. For you I don't know it depends on the person in charge of your Country (USA since you wrote in EN US). Your request will be traced and followed, you will have an opinion to give on the treatment. For everything related to improvements in general there is never any commitment on the integration of remarks.

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    Andreas Berz

    I absolutly agree with Uran Wert.
    TwoNav App 5.0.3 is a complete dissapointment.
    I have hundreds of tracks and dozent of maps on a TwoNav-folder on my SD card.
    Everything well organized in a subfolder structure.
    They are all inaccessible and useless inside the new app, because Compe removed the folder settings from the app.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    It is not the after-sales service which answers you but another user, this solution works, it will allow you to wait for the update of TwoNav.

    In Google DRIVE (Your Own Google Cloud) make a specific directory (Example TN 5 SM). In this directory import your map folder and the folder of your tracks. They (Your Tracks and Maps) will therefore be copied there as you have organized them (You Add a copy of the folder in TN 5 SM).

    From your Android SmartPhone open TwoNav, then go to Google Store to open your TN 5 SM folder, you will see your map and track files there as they are arranged. All you have to do is to select a map and / or a track, TwoNav opens it instantly.

    Good hikes

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    Gert M.

    Hi Thierry,
    Google store?????
    You meant GoCloud?

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  • Hi,

    He mean Google Drive. The Cloud of Google

    - Creer dans Google Drive (Le Cloud Google) un dossier (Maps, ou Trace, ou..) y placer les fichiers map, route, ou....

    Best regards

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    There are several ways to transfer files.

    • The ancient USB cable,
    • The GoCloud but this involves Land 8.9.5 which is riddled with bugs,
    • WiFi
    • BT
    • And the Google Cloud => Google Drive

    The icing on the cake with Google Drive:

    1. The data tree is kept, all you have to do is copy the files (Complete directories)
    2. In the Smart Phone, a simple selection of the file in Google Drive opens it in TwoNav 5.
    3. The files do not occupy any space (memory) on the SmartPhone, they are loaded into the cache.
    4. As long as they are checked in TwoNav 5.x they remain loaded in the SmartPhone cache.

    Bests Regards

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Another way to install "his" cards, you go from TwoNav of the SmartPhone in the shop, you choose a card that you already have and you follow the purchase process (or you click on the area of the screen concerned). ) without taking into account the mentioned price indication. If this card is renewable without cost, it can be installed. (As for the passage in Premium it is enough to put the key which is in my software). On the other hand, it is always invisible via the file explorer.


    Une autre manière d'installer "ses" cartes, vous allez à partir de TwoNav du SmartPhone dans boutique, vous choissisez une carte que vous avez déja et vous suivez le processus d'achat (ou vous cliquez sur la zone de l'écran concernée) sans tenir compte de l'indication de prix mentionnée. Si cette carte est renouvelable sans cout elle s'installe. (Comme pour le passage en Premium il sufit de mettre la clef qui est dans mes logiciels). Par contre c'est toujours invisible via l'explorateur file.

    Best regards

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