Cambiare le caratteristiche della mappa rmap



  • Hello,

    I don't know Italian and automatic translators often reserve most "surprises".
    Also, I answer in English.

    To be more clear, I edit my post in bolt characters.

    Please kindly note this trick can change only maps without a copyright.

    It's possible with Land (Premium, I think).

    You load your map into Land.
    Right click on the name of the map in the data tree.
    File, Save As,
    Select the JPG format or an image format,
    give a name to this file: you have the image. For example: My_modified_Map.jpg

    start over:
    Right click on the name of the map in the data tree.
    File, Save As,
    Select the IMP format
    give a name to this file: you have the calibration file.

    Close the IMP.

    You can edit the image with a picture editor like a photo. You can also choose the PNG image format because this format allows a transparency color. By doing this you will be able to see "under" your RMAP. (usually RMAPs are opaque).

    You must check the IMP. Using a text editor, you open this file.

    Go to the line who begin by Bitmap=xxxxxx.xxxx

    This line must be: Bitmap=My_modified_Map.jpg

    (IMP and picture in the same directory)

    After the changes,
    Load the IMP into Land,
    (IMP and image must be in the same directory or the IMP must "know" where is the picture (the path of the picture, for example C:\users\documents and settings\Documents of Lorenzo\my pictures\My_modified_Map.jpg)

    If the picture is not in same directory, So: Bitmap=C:\users\documents and settings\Documents of Lorenzo\my pictures\My_modified_Map.jpg))

    Save the new map: right click on the IMP file, File, Save as "name".RMAP.

    By loading the new RMAP, check that it is well done and you will delete, if it is your wish, the image and the IMP.

    You have a different RMAP.

    An user (here, only users)

    Best regards

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    Lorenzo Prada

    Many thanks, I will follow your procedure step by step.
    If I have difficulty, I will make myself heard again.
    Have a nice Sunday.
    Lorenzo P.

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  • Hi,

    It isn't MY procedure. Many thanks to "Ottawa68" member of the old and dead forum TwoNav..

    Have a good job

    Best regards from France.

    PS: Above, it is an old picture from Land 772.

    A (very) transparent RMAP:!Aotx1NzTCBmjkADm_3-ig1iIfdDE?e=adgAPq

    You can put any picture:!Aotx1NzTCBmjkAJYP-AY87JCj1KM?e=baQp4j

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Se ho capito bene, la questione non è come convertire una mappa in modo che venga digerita da Land, ma sostituire una mappa con un certo livello di contrasto con la stessa mappa dopo averne modificato i colori o il contrasto.

    I dati di calibrazione sono in un file macarte.imp o ad esempio per un pannello macarte.tif c'è un file macarte.tfw se è png il pannello è macarte.png e la calibrazione macarte.pgw.

    Come primo approccio, proverò la seguente manipolazione. Le dimensioni e la risoluzione dell'immagine non devono essere modificate. Sostituisci semplicemente il file macarte.png (per png) con il nuovo schermo (colori e contrasto cambiati) se le dimensioni e la risoluzione sono invariate, questo deve essere corretto.

    Se le tessere (TIF, JPG, PNG, ETC) sono inserite in una hyper card (monhypercarte.imp) devi solo sostituire le tessere (dimensioni e risoluzione rigorosamente identiche) senza toccare il file myhypercarte.imp

    Cordiali saluti

    Thanks to Google translate (french to Italian)

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    Lorenzo Prada

    I also use the Google translator.
    In my first post I did NOT report - and I apologize for it - that my rmap maps, the ones I have on TwoNav Aventura and which I would like to improve in appearance (contrast, lights, shadows, etc.), have not been georeferenced with Compe (Land ) but with another sw, which I have been using for many years. It (OKMap) allows you to save in OZI format, but not in Compe (Land) format. The OZI format is correctly read by Compe (Land), which I use to create the rmaps for TwoNav. Now I'll check the new procedure, with graphics, and I'll let you know. Thank you for your great courtesy and helpfulness. Have a nice Sunday. Lorenzo P.

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  • Hello,

    Which version of Land, do you have, Please ?

    It may be an old one because OZI has disappeared from Land. OZI plugin was needed...... (CompePlugin_OZF.dll)

    Best regards

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    Lorenzo Prada

    Version 8.9.2. Since I had (and still have) many maps correctly calibrated with another program (OKMap), I have not recalibrated the maps with Land. I only saved the maps in OZI format from OKMap and with Land I transformed them into rmaps for my Aventura.
    My version shown above opens them without difficulty. I could do the same, very long operation after modifying the image files on OKMap and then restarting from Land (OZI ---> rmap). I was looking for a faster method! Thanks. Lorenzo P.

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  • Thank you,

    I was stuck on .OZF format but you are right there is also ozi.MAP in the list of compatible formats in Land.

    Best regards

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    Lorenzo Prada

    Hello, I can't complete the operation. I describe my procedure. I state that I collect my * .rmap maps in a folder called RMAP. In Land I open the rmap of which I want to change the appearance (ONLY the appearance, so color, contrast, shading etc.). With the map open, on the folder tree, right click on the rmap name, then file, save paper as ... and choose JPEG images (* .jpg) image format, leaving the same name as the starting rmap. I do everything again as above but this time I save the map in * .imp format and save with the same name given to the image. In the RMAP folder there is the jpg file, which I am going to edit. In testing the procedure, I load very dense shadows and very high contrast. Except with the same name, and therefore I am told that a jpg file with that name is already present: I replace it with the modified one. The edited jpg file is visible in my RMAP folder. Now, I open the imp file (imp and jpg names the same) and save it as "CompeGPS Locked RASTER maps (* .rmap).
    The various files (the original ones, those created with the procedure, the modified ones, are all present in the RMAP folder, but the new rmap file does not show the modified map. Where is my mistake? Sorry for the length and thanks again for your collaboration. Cordial greetings. Lorenzo P.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    In the process than you have indicate there is no reason to make an imp file.

    Check this:

    mytile.rmap ->Save to -> mytile.jpeg
    Change the contrast and color of mytile.jpeg
    Save mytile.jpeg to mytile.rmap which will be overwritten.

    I think the georeferencing is going to be broken

    Or ..

    You have one or more tiles names : mytiles01.rmap; mytiles02.rmap, etc

    You create a new hyper map and save it to mymaps.imp, then with the mouse you drag mytiles01.rmap and mytiles02.rmap to mymaps.imp, the tile is merge to the map.

    Then you save and close mymaps.imp.

    You open, mytiles01.rmap and you make your modifications mytiles01.rmap-> mytiles01.Jpeg-> mytiles01.rmap and save the modified tile mytiles01.rmap who overwrite the initial tile.

    You close all the cards and you open mymaps.imp

    Changes in contrast and colors will likely be taken into account


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    Lorenzo Prada

    I thank you but your method seems complicated to me or maybe it is my limited skills that see it this way. What I can't understand is why the new modified jpg file, referenced by the rmap map, is seen in the folder but is not "seen" by the calibrated map. I wouldn't want it all to depend on the new - or old - names being assigned to the various files in question.
    Likewise thanks for your interest. Lorenzo P.

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  • Hello,

    You must edit the IMP to input the name of your picture.

    The first time you save as IMP, you can read:

    (a piece of the file IMP)

    Datum=WGS 84

    You must change: Bitmap=Berlin.RMAP by Bitmap=My_picture.jpg


    Datum=WGS 84

    After you can save as *.rmap

    To be more clear, PSE, change names during the operation.

    I forgot to say this operation can be made only with "free" maps.

    Best regards

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  • I am sorry,

    My sentence: If you change the name of the image and / or its format, remember to edit the IMP with these changes.

    was not clear.

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    Lorenzo Prada

    No, it was clear, but I only understood what there is to do after your last example. I did not understand that it was necessary to enter the .imp file to change the name of the map.jpg.

    Thanks again and good evening.

    Lorenzo P.


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    Lorenzo Prada

    I immediately update the situation to confirm the success of the operation, finally! It was my head that had to work! Thank you and good night. Lorenzo P.

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  • meravigliosa !

    Thank you for the report.

    "free" maps mean without copyrights.

    I think it is not a good way to save as "CompeGPS Locked RASTER maps" but simply *.RMAP, *. RTMAP

    I confirm: I was not enought clear. I should have explained better: "the IMP must "know" where is the picture (it's path)"

    Good night too.

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  • Hello,

    I edited my first post to be more clear.

    If you want to check the calibration of the new RMAP, there is a simple way:

    With Land, you load your old map or an online map or another calibrate map of this aera.

    You load your new map.

    The old map cover the new one.

    In the data tree, right clic on the name of the old map, Transparency. Decrease the curseur for maps.

    By transparency, the old and the new ones must be the same.

    Mr Charlès tried to say you something. 

    Does your .TRK, .GPX are on the same RMAP ?

    If a .TRK cross, for example: 4 RMAP, to see this TRK you must load one by one these 4 maps.

    .IMP are named hypermap. Land can create them. So, you can have an IMP who will open the 4 maps at the same time.

    Best regards.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Un sacco di caramelle.

    L'obiettivo è cambiare il contrasto e il colore di una mappa. È giusto?

    Una mappa Rater è una singola immagine (un singolo file rmap, jpeg, Tiff, ecc.), o essere composta da diversi file di immagine (più file Rmap, Jpeg, Tiff, ecc.) in quest'ultimo caso questi file sono tessere, che devono essere collegati per ottenere una singola carta. Per collegarli devi creare un'ipermappa che è solo un catalogo, un elenco di queste tessere questo file ha l'estensione * .imp.

    Anche un file immagine di una mappa raster può essere salvato in formato * .imp.

    Credo che ognuno di voi tiri fuori uno di questi due tipi di formato imp, senza rendersi conto che l'altro ha in mente l'altro tipo; da qui la confusione.

    Se si tratta solo di modificare il colore e il contrasto di una mappa (un file) non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi del file * .imp.

    La soluzione migliore è partire dal file originale che ha permesso di creare la mappa o il riquadro in formato rmap, correggere il colore e il contrasto utilizzando uno strumento senza modificare le dimensioni o la risoluzione di questa immagine per non modificare la georeferenziazione .

    Fatto questo, questo file originale il cui colore e contrasto sono stati modificati, non devi far altro che aprirlo in Land, quindi salvarlo (salvarlo) in formato rmap sovrascrivendo la mappa rmap di cui vuoi modificare contrasto e colore.

    È chiaro ?

    E funzionerà.


    Lots of candy.

    The goal is to change the contrast and color of a map. Is that right?

    A Rater map is either a single image (a single rmap, jpeg, Tiff file, etc.), or be composed of several image files (several Rmap, Jpeg, Tiff files, etc.) in the latter case these files are tiles , which must be linked to obtain a single card. To link them you have to create a hyper map which is only a catalog, a list of these tiles this file has the extension * .imp.

    An image file of a raster map can also be saved in * .imp format as well.

    I believe that each of you brings up one of these two types of imp format, without realizing that the other has the other type in mind; hence the confusion.

    If it is just a question of modifying the color and the contrast of a map (a file) there is no need to worry about the * .imp file.

    The best solution is to start from the original file which made it possible to create the map or the tile in rmap format, to correct the color and contrast using a tool without modifying the size or the resolution of this image so as not to modify georeferencing.

    This having been done, this original file whose color and contrast have been modified, all you have to do is open it in Land, then save (save) it in rmap format by overwriting the rmap map you want to modify contrast and color.

    Is that clear ?

    And it will work.



    Beaucoup de confision..

    L'objectif est de modifier le contraste et la couleur d'une carte. Est bien cela ?

    Une carte Rater est soit une seule image (un seul fichier rmap, jpeg, Tiff, etc), soit être composée par plusieurs fichiers images (plusieurs fichier Rmap, Jpeg, Tiff, etc..) dans ce dernier cas ces fichiers sont des tuiles, qu'il faut lier entre elles pour obtenir une carte unique. Pour les lier il faut creer une hyper map qui n'est qu'un catalogue, une liste de ces tuiles ce fichier porte l'extension *.imp.

    Un fichier image d'une carte raster peut aussi être sauvegarder au format *.imp également.

    Je crois que chacun de vous deux évoque l'un de ces deux types de format imp, sans avoir compris que l'autre a en tête l'autre type; d'ou la confusion.

    S'il s'agit juste de modifier la couleur et le contraste d'une carte (un fichier) il n'y a pas lieu de se preocuper du fichier *.imp.

    La meilleure solution est de partir du fichier d'origine qui a permit de creer la carte ou la tuile au format rmap, de corriger via un outil la couleur et le contraste sans modifier ni la taille ni la résolution de cette image pour ne pas modifier le georéférencement.

    Cela ayant été fait, ce fichier d'origine dont la couleur et le contraste ont été modifier, il suffit de l'ouvrir dans Land, puis de l'enregistrer (sauvegarder) dans le format rmap en écrasant la carte rmap dont on veux modifier le contraste et la couleur.

    Est ce clair ?

    Et ca va fonctionner.





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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    A seguire,

    Quello che devi capire appieno.

    Formato Rmap o Rtmap: I dati di calibrazione sono integrati nella mappa (all'inizio o alla fine), se si modifica questo file la calibrazione andrà persa. Oppure devi copiare la parte contenente questi dati nel vecchio file e incollarla in quello nuovo prima di sovrascrivere quello vecchio.

    Formato immagine: la calibrazione aggiunge un file allegato che contiene i dati di calibrazione. Esempio concreto:

    La mia carta denominata Vallée Madame, inizialmente è un'immagine in formato png,
    La fede calibrata sulla terra aggiunge il file valleemadame.pgw

    Quindi viene convertito in Rmap, i dati di calibrazione sono inclusi

    Se modifichi il file valleemadame.png (colore di contrasto) e questo file sostituisce l'originale valleemadame.png il gioco di prestigio ha successo.

    In questo elenco la mappa originale è georeferenziata nel formato "oomap" valléemadame.oomap è stata esportata in due diversi formati per l'utilizzo sul GPS

    oomap -> png, kmz

    la mappa png è stata convertita in Rmap e utilizzata sul GPS

    la mappa kmz non viene riconosciuta dal GPS e la conversione via terra fallisce, il file in formato img in questa lista è costruito da terra questa è la lista delle tessere jpeg del file kmz, ma non funziona bene con la terra 32 bit da testare a 64 bit.

    Devi quindi trasformare nuovamente valleemadame.png in Rmap o rtmap e voilà .

    Bonjour de France!

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    Lorenzo Prada

    Okay thanks. Among all these suggestions I begin to "melt" ... I have to start from the beginning, that is to create a new rmap paper, with new calibration. After this I can do all the tests. You are all very kind and helpful, thank you! Lorenzo P.

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  • Hello,

    if you live in northern Italy:

    Best regards

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    Lorenzo Prada

    Yes, I am from northern Italy, but not from the area you indicated to me. I live near the Dolomites, to understand. I think I understand the basic mechanism to get the color changes on the maps to be included in TwoNav Aventura. This need arises because maps (jpg) are often calibrated without prior adjustment of colors, shadows, etc. and this sometimes leads to poor visibility on the GPS, especially in adverse weather conditions. I must say, at the end of this long speech, that I found here exquisite, kind and always very helpful people. It will be difficult for me to return your favors with my limited abilities. Also these days I'm more of a grandfather than a hiker and the grandchildren are worth a lot more than the colors of the maps. However ... never say never! A heartfelt thanks to you all! Lorenzo

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  • It will be difficult for me to return your favors with my limited abilities

    Do not worry about that !

    Whether you answered, participating in the conversation is already a reward for me. Thank you.
    If you knew the number of people helped and who do not come back to say that they have succeeded !!!! We answer and we never hear about the person. We do not even know if the person read the answers! We sometimes spend time making screen shots with comments and .... Nothing from the questioner .... In addition, having a "hello", "cordially", "thanks in advance" becomes more and more rare.
    To know that the help was correct or not advancing knowledge.
    I do not ask for great thanks, just know if I could help.
    You did it!
    Best regards
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    Lorenzo Prada

    After these nice words, I close my speeches for the topic in question, reiterating that for my part the problem raised has been resolved positively. I ran several tests, all of which were successful. Good day. Lorenzo

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Un échange fort agréable avec toi Lorenzo, bonnes randonnées dans ta belle région.

    Un piacevolissimo scambio con te Lorenzo, buone escursioni nella tua bella regione.



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