Problems with Land 9 using MacOS Monterey
Good Morning to all,
I recently purchased a Land 9 license and installed it on a new iMac using OS Monterey. In comparison with Land 8, in the meantime, a list of irritating issues:
1. When attempting to enter my Komoot planned routes I receive: "Could not connect to middleware".
2. The program is very, but very, sluggish (my iMac has 32 GB memory!); at times the screen refuses to pan, and movement between magnifications is very slow.
3. Importantly, none of the 3D functions work! They are dimmed in menus and cannot be activated in spite of numerous installments of the 3D relief map.
Surely these malfunctions could have been checked prior to marketing the product. If Land 9 does not work with Mac OS you should not have put it on the market. I have been using Land versions for Mac for over 10 years, and this appears to be the least operable version.
A mi me pasa algo parecido. Tengo Land 8.9.4 y MacOS 12.2.1.
Se queda colgado a la hora de trabajar con todas las herramientas y menús.
Tengo Land desde que lo inventaron y siempre me fue bien. Ahora es una pena. No hay manera de utilizarlo.
Estoy desesperado.
Cuando lo van a arreglar?
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