Wrong polygons when opening an .osm map
When I open an .osm, some polygons are completely wrong. Is this a known issue? Here is an example:
I downloaded this .osm from https://download.geofabrik.de/
Could you zoom out the map to view the boundaries, the outline.
I found it is probably due to an object or file size overflow. The lines return through the center of the card.
I don't use this import method because you will soon be faced with the 2 GB limit.
I do an export in Open Street Map via API OVERPASS you have to add to the filename .osm then you open it in Land and a save in *.mvpf is possible for use in the GPS.
Land makes these imported maps routable.
I am not sure which boundary do you refer, but here are both (boundary of the issue and the map):
That is not the only polygon, there are more:
The .osm file I downloaded is 4GB. Where is this size limit specified? I find it quite arbitrary and small to be only 2GB.
Isn't API OVERPASS the same as downloading an already pre cached Data Extract (like this web https://download.geofabrik.de/)?
Well, I loaded the same geographical area as you (around LLafrank), with API OVERPASS, the defect is present a little less visible, less annoying but it is there. This defect is due to Land 9.2.4, the same source file loaded with Land 8.9.2 is correct. Setting Land 9.2.4 anti aliasing or opengl doesn't make it go away. The PRO version includes the map pack but it doesn't work, I have already transferred it to TwoNav asking for a refund of my subscription, but they are deaf and recommend not renewing it. If it is possible for you, use an old version of TwoNav so that it works. That said, you can post a copy of this image on their Face Book Spain page, under the Land story section to get them to react, they don't like it but I guarantee it's effective.
Thanks. So far, what I have been seen is that the Land software is in a pretty bad state. I have been using it for a week and I have encountered many issues like this. Coming from a Garmin ecosystem, TwoNav devices are great, but they software leave much to be desired.
I will report this to their official bug report and try the Land 8.9.2 (which, if I remember correctly it was not free).
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