Dropbox connection
My Dropbox connection is not working. I read some spanish posts reporting the same problem. Would you repair it?
Hi Valerio,
Yes, there was a change in Dropbox way to make the connection. We have been working to adapt to this change, but still can not release a version to fix it, or talk about release dates.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Meanwhile, maybe the article Transferring files to the smartphone app could be of your interest.
Hi Francisco,
Actually you should be able to send GPX files by FTP. Just tested to send a GPX track and seems working OK.
But, if not Premium, you can only work with one track loaded at the same time on the smartphone (you can have as many as you want in memory, but only one opened). So maybe you have to close an other file before opening an other.
Thanks for your response, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me.
I'm using Land 8.2.3 on Mac and Twonav 3.3.4 on iPad. The iPad is a fresh installation, so nothing in memory and nothing opened. I connect via FTP WIFI both devices and it works because I can see the iPad in the left side. Then open one GPX file in Land. Nothing else in Land by the way. And when I drag the GPX file over the iPad, I get the window/message stating "Funcionalidad exclusive de Land/Air Premium ..."
No, no, no ... lets switch to spanish to see if it's easier
Tengo TwoNav Premium en el iPad. Lo que NO tengo es Land Premium. Cuando intentó pasar un fichero GPX de Land a Twonav, Land me dice que es una funcionalidad reservada a Premium. Lo dice Land. En el Mac. El iPad (TwoNav) no dice nada.
I just updated to Land 8.3.1 on Mac hoping the Dropbox issue had been solved. Apparently, this seems not have been the case.
The following announcement has been found on the german site, saying Dropbox is working on Land 8 for windows.
When can a fix for the Mac be expected ?
Hola Francisco,
Sorry for the late reply. We made some tests and transferring GPX files from Land Free to iOS App seems working OK. If you still have problems, I recommend to open a private ticket and include a Status Report of your Land so our support team can analyse the case.
Disculpa el retraso. Hemos hecho algunas pruebas y hemos podidio transferir archivos GPX de Land Gratis a la App iOS sin problemas. Si el problema persiste, te recomendaría abrir una solicitud en privado incluyendo el Reporte de Estado de tu Land para que nuestro equipo de soporte pueda analizar el caso.
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