OSM Vector map for Land 8
I tried in several ways to load the OSM vector maps available on internet from services like OpenAndroMaps, OpenMtb maps, freizeitkarte, etc but didn't find the right format so far.
Opening the downloaded rmaps or .img or anything else I tried always gives an error on Land (on PC).
Somebody found the right source and procedure to import an OSM vector maps ?
I didn't try to export a .osm file from OSM and layer it on Land over a base maps as I think it will be more complicated than load a ready map.
thanks for any suggestion
Your Map source provide Map for.... Garmin or other...
You Can import directly fom OSM (the second ligne on the right) ou from BBBike *.OSM format only.
Then open this Map in Land .
Then you Can save this Map in tree format *.mvp, *.mvpf , or vmap with a specific tool.
Then the aspect of each layer Can be define with Land in an *.clay file (a clay file must have the same name than the Map .. this issue provide the solution to have the same aspect for all your Map)
The GPS can work with *.mvp or *.vmap.
Best regards
Land screen copy : it is an Osm Import from Geofabrik .. Map type is Vmap . Translate from OSM to vmap with Land
Same map with relief curves : OSM import from geofabrik, translate from OSM to MVPF by land ..Aspect colors, lines, name view (or not) curves view (or not) is adjust (tune) with Land. Altitudes curves is add to the map with Land, but computes with QGis Software.
Then in the GPS (Yersterday!)
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