go cloud - folders and change 'sport'
i'm expecting my ROC to arrive today - But over the weekend had a play with the free Go Cloud service
loaded up a GPX file , and it defaults to "Sport" hiking - i want to change it "e-bike" or some will be walking
Also can i setup folders , so i can have gpx in place names folder
Forest of Dean
New forest
GPX file:
It is preferable to use (as for all GPS) the proprietary format which allows more fine adjustments.
- Land allows you to convert a *.gpx to the proprietary TwoNav *.trk format (Save as)
- This having been done the property pane (contextual menu) allows you to specify the type of activity, to modify it, as well as other customization (But better adapted to the *.trk format)
Can I also configure folders, in order to have gpx in the place names folder
- We must distinguish the notions of ROUTE and ACTIVITIES
- Route: It is an project (*.gpx, *.trk) with or without guidance (RoadBook)
- Activity: Is the track recorded by the GPS
Activities are automatically saved in c:/user/document/compeGps/data/tracklog and classified by date, time & name. This allows them to be found in temporal order. An icon on the Land map marks their position for classification by area
The Routes must be saved in c:/user/document/compeGps/data/ (and here you can create all the folders or subfolders of your choice)
All the routes saved in /data are broadcast on the cloud. If you have organized /data/My folder/my subfolder... This classification is automatically broadcast on the CLOUD
(Classification in folder/subfolder to be done in the /data with the file manager)
Route either via a right click context menu or in the properties window a box or an item allows to broadcast from the GoCloud (same from the GoCloud) to the GPS when it is in your WiFi bubble or an identified WiFi bubble... Or via the TwoNav Link App broadcasts directly to the GPS on command via the BT
Example :
Idem on GoCloud & the GPS
Best regards
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