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    Thierry CHARLÈS




    On how many devices can I use my subscription?

    You can use the same subscription up to 5 times on the same type of device or on different devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, GPS...). From the TwoNav customer area you can see on which devices you have activated your subscription. If you want to use your subscription on a sixth device, you will need to release a device that is currently in use. In other words, you will first need to log out of one device and then log in on the sixth device.


    Sur combien d'appareils puis-je utiliser mon abonnement ?

    Vous pouvez utiliser le même abonnement jusqu'à 5 fois sur le même type d'appareil ou sur des appareils différents (ordinateur, tablette, smartphone, GPS...). Depuis l' espace client TwoNav vous pourrez voir sur quels appareils vous avez activé votre abonnement. Si vous souhaitez utiliser votre abonnement sur un sixième appareil, vous devrez libérer un appareil en cours d'utilisation. Autrement dit, vous devrez d'abord vous déconnecter d'un appareil, puis vous connecter sur le sixième appareil.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Yes, but why bother with this process, since you can use it simultaneously on multiple devices.

    As long as you don't have Land installed on multiple PCs.


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  • Thanks for the replay. 
    There's no any botton/comand to deactivate the licence. 

    I'm speacking about the Land 10 licence (permanent), not the annual subscription.

    Based on what I read before buying the licence there's the possibility to unactivate the licence on a PC and activate on another with total 3 active devices.

    Reading again now I just find this solution for subscription. On Eula only 1 device per licence without change it. TwoNav it's not realy clear on it probably due to they change the licence policy in the year without update all the documents.


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    It seems to me that you are obsessed with the notion of deactivation.

    Since Land is connected to your account, you will not be able to use it by several different people, it will always be your account.

    Then given the explanation of TwoNav on 5 PCs simultaneously, I have it on two PCs without having needed to deactivate, I switch from one PC to another.


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  • So. This is the account of a voluntaty firefighter group and we use Land for people resque and forest fire fighting.

    We have 2 Land 10 licences and 4 PC used by the group. We'd like to use the remain 2 licence shared by operator of the group on thei personal PC when needed for training and map/trace preparations.

    This is the reason why I'm "obsessed" by the deactivation.

    Before buying the 2 licences I tought it is possible so I ask about it.

    Thanks for the replay.


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    TwoNav gives this information in clear, see the image below (The same in English from your account). Due to your activity in principle you must be aware of the fact that when the mind is focused on a point of detail, this mind no longer takes into account the essential related elements, but I see two:

    - You wrote opt for the license formula (2 x 100€) but this is limited to 3 simultaneous devices, instead of 5 for PRO, PREMIUM or BASIC. With two licenses in one case it is 10 PCs in the other 6 PCs.

    - Two purchases will be two accounts, therefore data spread over two accounts, that is complex to manage. From my point of view the blocking point is there. You are rather interested in taking a PREMIUM subscription with two licenses grafted to the same account.

    That said, if you visit the TwoNav site, you will see that there is an offer for PROFESSIONALS, to whom you can be assimilated. So in your place I would contact TwoNav via the send a request link at the top right of this page. Explain your case, TwoNa will certainly make you an offer with a license extended to your needs, on the account of your association, which should suit you, it is to negotiate a win-win deal for both parties. This is a forum dedicated to leisure users.


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Write By TwoNav

    On how many devices can I use my subscription?
    You can use the same subscription up to 5 times on the same type of device or on different devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, GPS...). From the TwoNav customer area you can see on which devices you have activated your subscription. If you want to use your subscription on a sixth device, you will need to release a device that is currently in use. In other words, you will first need to log out of one device and then log in on the sixth device.


    Just disconnect from one PC, no need to deactivate.

    It's not 5 installations but 5 simultaneous connections, make yourself clear: Send a request to TwoNav and explain your case

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