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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Yes, see this case

    Exemple the Route (Road book in this case) in GPX format

    The same in *trk format

    It all depends on what you want to do, therefore on your final objective.

    - If it is a route intended for a TwoNav GPS (yours or another) it is preferable to use the *.trk format, this format integrates more data, therefore more information.
    - if it is a route intended for a GPS of another brand or to be shared on a site the *.gpx format is recommended.

    - If it is a route including visual or audio guidance indications, the only format is the *.trk format. Unless there is an agreement between brands this type of route "with guidance" is difficult to share, because they are all in a proprietary format, therefore not understood by another GPS (true for all brands).

    That said, you can with TwoNav, create everything in the *.trk format, then set the route (with or without guidance) and share it via GoCloud or TwoNav GO, whoever imports it can get the route either in *.trk format or in *.gpx format.

    The ideal is therefore to work in *.trk to have a maximum of data, then for sharing or broadcasting use GoCloud or TwoNav GO.

    (PS for my images it is a GPX with guidance)

    Best regards





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