See Me Live Broadcast Not Working


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Here it is a user forum; it is not an answer from TwoNav SAV.

    No, in my case it works well. There are two types of SeeMee:

    • Either with the integrated SIM card (2G) the GPS is autonomous,
    • Or with a Smart phone (Cross +, Terra, Roc) via 4G/5G

    So in one case your Smartphone must be working and the LINK application must be active. This is the most common case of blockages.

    In your description the route is missing, this could suggest a fault in the SmartPhone.

    I have two TwoNav GPS, one with a SIM card the other uses less phone, in both cases the see works well for me.

    Your GPS records what it does (log files) these files are in the status report, so it is possible to know where it blocks.

    What I did with a friend 2 months ago, in his case the transmission was interrupted during the route.

    A return to factory settings allowed it to return to normal operation.

    Before we had saved his configuration files which saved him from having to reconfigure everything.

    Best Regards

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