Waypoint information is lost when added to roadbook


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Usually I don't design my Road Books this way, it seems to me that it's more complicated..

    That said, your remark deserves that we linger, so I just did a test

    - Creation of two documented WPTs: Symbol, Name and Description,
    - Creation of a track (*.trk),
    - A list of 2 WayPoints (*.wpt)

    I dragged these two WPTs onto the track, one after the other (There is a proximity constraint to respect),
    They have been integrated into the track so I have a Road Book

    And I have the description that has been integrated.

    Do you work with a GPX format or a proprietary format?

    New tests with this faith a GPX format file (the track) the WPT is (*.wpt) and it works



    Tests to be done with WPTS in gpx format

    Best regards

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    Alfonso Saco

    Hello Thierry, thanks for your reply.

    I'm working with Twonav's proprietary format (.trk for tracks, and .wpt for waypoints).

    You are right in that you can see the description in the "Properties" menu of the roadbook point.

    My concerns is when you open it in text editor, the description doesn't show up. Check my screenshots; the 'properties' view show the description "Imposible de cruzar en invierno", but the text editor option doesn't, which to me suggests it is not being saved as it should?

    I have tried saving it as .gpx but the 'description' is also missed when I open it as text edit (it seems the 'trkpt' attribute can't really save 'description' attributes?)


    LAND view:


    TRK text editor view:


    GPX text editor view:


    Kind regards,







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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Ok, I understand your problem better..

    Description provide from the original Waypoint file, if you delete this file, the data come out from properties.

    Bonnes randonnées

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    So if you go for a ride with your GPS and only the Road Book file, the information will not be displayed.

    This is not necessarily inconsistent, there is a logic. This is typical information from a WayPoint that has no justification for guidance, therefore in the Road Book.

    Which does not mean that I am not sensitive to your request.

    In this case you must duplicate your WPTs in a POI file, consistent with your ride) which will be integrated into your GPS.

    The same reasoning can be held for a traveling circuit where for example we associate accommodation POIs (WPTs) when they are on the route, but from there to displaying the address of a hotel for example in the data associated with this guidance point if it is integrated into the track!

    There is necessarily a limit.

    In my case, information of this nature is in a POI folder or each WPT with a fairly large alert distance. And the guidance points have a shorter alert distance.

    So for this example of a hotel, or the case of your Ford. You would be warned at 200 m (this is an example) of the risk of getting your feet wet (or the proximity of the shower) and at 20 m you are told that the Ford or the hotel are there.

    In the philosophy of use there is necessarily a limit to place.

    Best regards

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