Problem online maps Switzerland


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    The DATUM off the other map is not WGS84 ?

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    Lukas Lukas
    yes, the second map is datum ETRS89

    It's interesting that the map is distorted even when it is displayed separately :-(



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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    It is not in the same Datum...

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    If you want to get the free IGN Switzerland map for Land or your GPS it is possible to create tiles with MOBAC Format MBTILE SQLITE (It's recent) the tutorial is here.

    The tiles are assembled in a HYPER MAP.

    Otherwise to have it directly in Land you have to create a script from the WMTS address available on the IGN SWISS Site

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    The WGS 84 Datum projects the map onto a geoid (globe) the local Datums are generally projected onto a cone, hence this trapezoidal perception.

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