OSM Mapnik Online Map for Aventura2 doesnt work???


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    The online map will not work on your GPS, it is not capable of it (See the manual). And in the field the internet connection to refresh the card does not work.

    However you can import the latest version of these maps either directly into OSM or from dedicated sites like http://download.geofabrik.de/europe.html
    open the map in Land and save it in Mvpf format, it is a routable map in situ and you can customize the appearance.

    A French user


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    arthur funk

    yes i know this but i can't import even a state of germany because the support of TwoNav told me the x86 is not capable to transfor big data. and big data means more than 1 or 2 km². for me this a a really small size.

    i have to do 10 or 20 maps to stick them together that really sucks. just for one trip!!!


    so Mapnik doesn't works that sad. Online i can't show and offline i can't transform it. At the end i don't have OSM at all, just the old map from 2015 from TwoNav. that is really disappointing.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    The solution for you is to upload from Open Street Map (EXPORTER). If you select the apioverpass link yon car load up to 10 x 10 km tiles uo to 50 x 50 km), or with the BBBike link for somes biggest map (Garmin OSL type). Then save thoses tile to mvpf format then yon can link thoses tiles in an hyper map with Land. After that just select the hyper map and Land or your GPS open the good tiles. With MOBC (Install Mobac on your PC) yon can also make topographic or OSM tiles.
    Its very easyers to make map for 0€, with Twonav

    If you want have some help give me your email.

    Have best hikes with TwoNav

    A French user

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    arthur funk

    with the OSM.org overpass API works great enough for me thanks ! over there i can export more then only 2km² tiles. thats enough for me.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Hello Arthur this is a screenshot (72 dpi) from a GPS, the map  (80 km x 80 km) is provided by an OSM ApiOverpass upload. The user customize the colors, paths, etc... and add the contours lines. 

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    arthur funk

    i have still some problems. the aventura2 shows many locations in black. why ??? like where cities are and parks.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Then happen a new problem... But all problem have it's solution with the TwoNav softwares....

    Yon can cutomize all the map item. With Land, in the menu map select your mymap.mvpf and deploy the tree. Then clic on the item list and select properties, wait a moment (it can be long) on the right side of the screen you can adjust color and item aspect open. On the left side yon can select the dispaly or not of this item. When the costomizing is close to your wish no mot forget to save the file.clay by a right clic on the map layer on the left side of the screen. For more help to you under this link a file called *****layers.clay who provide a map customizing close to an IOF map requirements. Upload this file, save it in the same path than your mymap.mvpf then replace the called "layer" part of this file name by the same name of your "mymap".mvpf. Close your map, then open it the new customization is open for yours eyes.

    I hope that it's the last problem for you, be curous with the menus item.

    Have good hikes


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    arthur funk

    i found the item in the list but i don't understand which parameter i need to change.

    can you only decribe from what and to what i have it to change?


    your text was too much but i get an idea of what you mean.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


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    arthur funk

    Ok i copied the both files the *.clay & *.mpvf to the Aventura and it works. thanks for explaning so good.

    not it works fine and i can change the look how i want thats pretty amazing.


    I have one more question:

    I do some wild camping and need to know where the "hunting lodge" or "hunting cabin" are. i have to avoid them. but the map doesn't show them up. is there a possibility to show them too?

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Two Solutions...

    1. Put thoses data in Open Street Map, then thoses data will be displayed. Just open OSM and add thoses data, one hour later the map with thoses data can be uplaoded. then save the file with the same name in the folder.
    2. Or put a WayPoint on all thoses points, with LAND sofware define an alert distance rayon for all thoses WayPoint (WayPoint file properties). When you start your Hike open this WayPoint file, the GPS display visuals and audio alert if your position is too close from a Waypoint.
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    arthur funk

    in OSM the Data is long time in but don't show up for this region for example:


    in Land & Aventura2 it doesn't show up at all

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    May be .... Open the eyes of the target layers !


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    arthur funk

    iam sorry maybe i dont understand something but all item are on. But still the hunting cabin dont show up.

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    arthur funk

    and in the official osm file it doenst show up too:

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    arthur funk

    osm data shows here hunting cabins: (this belongs to the first picture)

    4 hunting cabins are visible.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Yes is under the tag "OSM/amenity/others"  this layers but this layers is not uploaded. 

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    arthur funk

    don't understand. where not uploaded ?

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Open Street Map is a hudge data base not a map. The client (Sofware who want to draw a map) make somes a lot of query reqsuest to load the map data. For example OpenStreetMap has in memory the location, types, charactéristic and others details about the lamps placed le long of the mainroads. Those data placed on layers is not useful for all kinds maps. A software who upload data from OSM do not load all objetcs. If you have to use a LAND Software made for hunters, the hunting cabin will be be drawn on the hunting map.

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    arthur funk

    ah understand twonav decided they are not important for hiking? right ?

    i know that it is only database.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    It's the same logic for all software client of Open Street Map. 

    I am an user as you, here it is the forum not the main page of the TWO NAV Support team.

    The LAND Software choice,  is very logic for Hike or Ride purposes or activity hunting cabin is not the main target!!!!!!.

    And in OSM for the actual définition its a tag type "others" .. not a main tag!



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    arthur funk

    Yes understand. Thank you for your patience with me! Now is the Aventura2 more usable then before.

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