Twonav gps: bug collection thread
The aim of this thread is to collect bugs (reported or unreported) to help the community facing them. Hoping on your participation.
(For the sake of easy access I update the first post with all those bugs mentioned afterwards too but without the pictures.):
1) Autolaps bug (reported)
Setting (during free activity):
Settings - Profil - Autolaps - Autolaps (distance): 1km
Error: Missing screen activation (popup is visible if screen is activ), missing sound alarm
2) Routing (beeline) missing sound alarm at arrival, screen is not activated too (reported - Critical for Geocaching, can't recommend Twonav devices anymore till this is solved)
3) BWPT bugs - reported 5 years ago
3.1) Waypoints can have a zoom value at which they disappear, if a bwpt-file is created out of a wpt file, this value is not existent anymore and the bwpt file is allway visible. Very annoying with thousends of waypoint
3.2) If wpt file has no defined circle the bwpt file creates a defined circle around, which results in no alarm at the wpt (in twonav waypoint alarm is only played if circle around waypoint defined in wpt file has exactly the value as defined in the gpsxx.ini (Radio_Default_Balizas_Ruta)
4) (Only annoying-unreported) Unreasonable wpt/bwpt context menu order:
Select Waypoint from map, press 3dot in the lower right corner, select last entry, now we get:
properties, save waypoint, close waypoint, open link, open all attachments, open selected attachment, navigate to, move wpt
This is such an unrealistic arrangement, navigate to should be on top of the list, properties and attachment after this, followed by all the change options
V5.1.8 (Same since 5.1.1)
5) False acknowledgment error when sending an activity to the CLOUD (error: Transfer pending). No functional consequences, this alarm should not be taken into account. (postpone)
5) Removal of guidance on an itinerary (Itinerary = List of WPT or RTEPT), the GPS guides like on a RoadBook, that is to say very badly. (Reported through normal channels and by mail to the Director who responded.)
6) Removal of the "GoTO" arrow giving the direction to rally (race). An unfortunate consequence because the road can be taken in the opposite direction without any alarm.
6) RoadBook Guidance is only optimal on relatively simple circuits with no close points (unsuitable for mountain biking):
6.1 The guidance remains fixed for 48 m after passing a Roadbook point, the GPS then guides to a point which is in the back. An unfortunate consequence for areas with a high density of paths. (Fixed in v5.25)
6.2 Guidance is not robust to roads with loops or close parallel paths. Guidance on this type of route can jump to another point in the list of road book points. For example jumping back several tens of km, jumping from the end to the beginning, orbiting phenomenon, without any particular indication, it is difficult to realize it quickly because of the absence of the GoTo arrow. (postponed)
7) Variations:
7.1) The end of the guidance can be declared by the GPS on an end of true (Postponed). Guidance ends.
7.2) Difficult or even impossible to choose to borrow a variant, this one is not displayed on the screen. (Postponed). This case becomes obvious when the prepartition work is old, the alternative is no longer in memory.
7.3) Which direction to exit from a variation. (Same as above)
8) Guidance or rather the absence of guidance on a track is accident-prone (mountain biking and probable for cycling) because it requires sustained attention when reading the screen. To be avoided for mountain biking
9) WPT/BWPT on Map:
Name is allways shown, does make a mapscreen with mor than 30 waypoints quite crowded.
Temporal solution (shows label of only 10 waypoints):
10) Map scale management.
The GPS configuration is unchanged, if only the resolution of the map changes, the display scale on the screen is no longer respected!
11) Map quality
The resolution of the IGN map delivered by TwoNav is not optimized to exploit the "HD" resolution of the GPS screens. Let's take the example of the new trail 2 plus, 3.7" (480 x 340). This screen allows you to view a map with a resolution of 0.9 m per pixel without degrading the quality on display (1 pixel map = 1 screen pixel) However, the IGN map proposed by Compe GPS has a resolution of 2.5 m per pixel, i.e. as soon as the scale is greater than 1/20,000 each pixel of the map is dilated on more than 1 screen pixel The image on the screen becomes runny, but the usual scales for using a GPS are between 1/8000 and 1/20,000, the map will always be runny!
Report. For a better quality map, use MOBAC to create tiles with a résolution of 1.5 m per pixel.
12) Addition of symbols (icons) in a road book.
When building a Road Book using the navigation library, some symbols in this library are unknown to the GPS. There will be no guidance icon associated with this Road Book point, just a tiny cross that materializes the Road Book point and the GoTo arrow that "returns" to give the direction to reach this point. On the other hand, when passing through this point, the guidance is confused because the direction to go passes behind your back. Defect reported. The easiest solution is to use another library, or you should only use the symbols present in the navigation library of Land 32-bit version (8.9.2..). I grant you, you have to agree, it's simple and trivial there is only Compe Gps to set up this kind of trap! (Fixed in v5.25)
13) Missing ability to influence the time a popup is shown (abandoned feature)
Using Twonav in different conditions requires unique settings. F.i. if the device is used walking on a trail, a popup needs longer time compared to using it on a bike. Another example People with normal sight are much quicker reading information than f.i. myopic people.
V.3.3.10 has this solved by the gps.ini entry:
This isn't working anymore!
14) The inconsistencies of the "new" Road Book
When building a road book with land 9.2.3 and fast track, land associates a *.Wav audio file to the road book point.
- First inconsistency, the corresponding sound is not delivered by the GPS!
- Second inconsistency, if the user decides to change or adapt the symbol, the audio line is maintained. It becomes possible to place a right icon with a left sound!
Solution open the *.trk file with a text editor and correct it by hand
15) Navigate to a point via pin mode
1) Select something on the device mapscreen via longclick
2) select: navigate to - you should land back on the mapscreen in navigation mode but you land again in pin mode which has to be closed manually.
Bug exists at least since v3.2.7 and was reported.
16)- The loss of (compass?) calibration constants is back, this bug present 2 versions before 5.1.1 is present again since 5.1.8.
17) Tracklog settings not followed, resulting in strange distance accumulations (reported)
I wondered why tracks recorded while walking with my Android Twonav (3.3.10) differed significantly in the distance calculation compared to my Cross (5.20) recorded tracks, and so I compared them. Booth settings are:
Recording Intervall: distance (m)
By distance: 15m
Which results correctly in the corresponding ini file: Intervalo_Grabacion_Dist=15.0000000000
The Android version does follow this rule, the Cross version just ignores it quite often, resulting in 20% more distance accumulation while walking (this does effect slow speed movement much more than higher speed movement).
18) Underestimated distances with a trail 2,
- The planned circuit is 5 km,
- The track recorded by my Suunto 5.01 km,
- The trace present in my activities of my GPS 2,750 km,
- The track broadcast on SeeMee 2.75 km,
- The track reported on the GO Cloud 4.82 km page.
Before version 5.2.0 the distances were correct and consistent.
Distance displayed by trail 2 is in Nautical unit !!!
19) Selection of a variant without effect (New in TwoNav 5.2.0)
Land 9.2.3 allows you to design a road book with variants, this road book can be either a file in *.trk or *.gpx format. If the road book is transferred to the GPS in *.gpx format, the GPS accepts it and displays the junction (right / left) but freezes the management of the choice in this display.
20) Road Book audio guide.
Following recent updates the audio no longer works in the GPS Trail 2 and Aventura. When a *.wav file is associated with a Road Book point, the GPS broadcasts a click.
21) Strange zooming behaviour while trying to move the map in mapscreen (since v 5.24 Cross)
Solution via entry in gps.ini:
22) BWPT - PopUp attached file while coming into radius
Screen is allways activated (good) but sometimes frozen and needs an extra touch to show the attachement, sometimes attachment is shown without extra input. I found no reason for this behaviour.
V5.1.8 (Same since 5.1.1)
5) False acknowledgment error when sending an activity to the CLOUD (error: Transfer pending). No functional consequences, this alarm should not be taken into account. (postpone)
5) Removal of guidance on an itinerary (Itinerary = List of WPT or RTEPT), the GPS guides like on a RoadBook, that is to say very badly. (Reported through normal channels and by mail to the Director who responded.)
6) Removal of the "GoTO" arrow giving the direction to rally (race). An unfortunate consequence because the road can be taken in the opposite direction without any alarm.
6) RoadBook Guidance is only optimal on relatively simple circuits with no close points (unsuitable for mountain biking):
Edit : Fixed in (Corrigé en Twonav) 5.2.5
6.1 The guidance remains fixed for 48 m after passing a Roadbook point, the GPS then guides to a point which is in the back. An unfortunate consequence for areas with a high density of paths. (Reported)
Edit END
6.2 Guidance is not robust to roads with loops or close parallel paths. Guidance on this type of route can jump to another point in the list of road book points. For example jumping back several tens of km, jumping from the end to the beginning, orbiting phenomenon, without any particular indication, it is difficult to realize it quickly because of the absence of the GoTo arrow. (postponed)
7) Variations:
7.1) The end of the guidance can be declared by the GPS on an end of true (Postponed). Guidance ends.
7.2) Difficult or even impossible to choose to borrow a variant, this one is not displayed on the screen. (Postponed). This case becomes obvious when the prepartition work is old, the alternative is no longer in memory.
7.3) Which direction to exit from a variation. (Same as above)8) Guidance or rather the absence of guidance on a track is accident-prone (mountain biking and probable for cycling) because it requires sustained attention when reading the screen. To be avoided for mountain biking
To be continued
11) Map quality
The resolution of the IGN map delivered by TwoNav is not optimized to exploit the "HD" resolution of the GPS screens. Let's take the example of the new trail 2 plus, 3.7" (480 x 340). This screen allows you to view a map with a resolution of 0.9 m per pixel without degrading the quality on display (1 pixel map = 1 screen pixel) However, the IGN map proposed by Compe GPS has a resolution of 2.5 m per pixel, i.e. as soon as the scale is greater than 1/20,000 each pixel of the map is dilated on more than 1 screen pixel The image on the screen becomes runny, but the usual scales for using a GPS are between 1/8000 and 1/20,000, the map will always be runny!
Report. For a better quality map, use MOBAC to create tiles with a résolution of 1.5 m (or less) per pixel.
Edit : Fixed in TwoNav 5.2.4: The icon libraries of Land 9.2.4 and TwoNav 5.2.5 are consistent (Graphics and list of icons)
12) Addition of symbols (icons) in a road book.
When building a Road Book using the navigation library, some symbols in this library are unknown to the GPS. There will be no guidance icon associated with this Road Book point, just a tiny cross that materializes the Road Book point and the GoTo arrow that "returns" to give the direction to reach this point. On the other hand, when passing through this point, the guidance is confused because the direction to go passes behind your back. Defect reported. The easiest solution is to use another library, or you should only use the symbols present in the navigation library of Land 32-bit version (8.9.2..). I grant you, you have to agree, it's simple and trivial there is only Compe Gps to set up this kind of trap!
Update / Mise à jour
This only happens if the user decides to modify or adapt a symbol. In this case the symbol file path included in the *.trk file no longer points to the correct library.
For the user the effect is complex, because on a route the symbol will be displayed by the GPS or for another route or another point in the Road Book this icon is not displayed. This defect only affects new icons added following the switch to 64 bits.
Solution: View the *.trk file in a text editor to manually correct the icon paths.
Edit END
For the sake of easy access I update the first post with all those bugs mentioned afterwards too.
13) Missing ability to influence the time a popup is shown
Using Twonav in different conditions requires unique settings. F.i. if the device is used walking on a trail, a popup needs longer time compared to using it on a bike. Another example People with normal sight are much quicker reading information than f.i. myopic people.
V.3.3.10 has this solved by the gps.ini entry:
This isn't working anymore!
14) The inconsistencies of the "new" Road Book
When building a road book with land 9.2.3 and fast track, land associates a *.Wav audio file to the road book point.
- First inconsistency, the corresponding sound is not delivered by the GPS!
- Second inconsistency, if the user decides to change or adapt the symbol, the audio line is maintained. It becomes possible to place a right icon with a left sound!
Solution open the *.trk file with a text editor and correct it by hand
15) Navigate to a point via pin mode
1) Select something on the device mapscreen via longclick
2) select: navigate to - you should land back on the mapscreen in navigation mode but you land again in pin mode which has to be closed manually.
Bug exists at least since v3.2.7 and was reported.
16)- The loss of calibration constants is back, this bug present 2 versions before 5.1.1 is present again since 5.1.8.
Obviously, in view of the defects that have reappeared following 5.1.7, it seems obvious that there is a quality concern in the process of compiling software versions at TwoNav.
17) Tracklog settings not followed, resulting in strange distance accumulations (reported)
I wondered why tracks recorded with my Android Twonav (3.3.10) differed significantly in the distance calculation compared to my Cross (5.20) recorded tracks, and so I compared them. Booth settings are:
Recording Intervall: distance (m)
By distance: 15m
Which results correctly in the corresponding ini file: Intervalo_Grabacion_Dist=15.0000000000
The Android version does follow this rule, the Cross version just ignores it quite often, resulting in 20% more distance accumulation.Cross (5.20)
Android v.3.3.10
18) Distances sous estimées avec un trail 2,
- Le circuit prévu fait 5 km,
- La trace enregistrée par ma Suunto 5.01 km,
- La trace présente dans mes activités de mon GPS 2,750 km,
- La trace diffusée sur SeeMee 2,75 km,
- La trace reportée sur la page GO Cloud 4,82 km.
Avant la version 5.2.0 les distances étaient correct et cohérentes,
Le rapport entre les deux c'est le rapport Km/nm !!!!!
18) Underestimated distances with a trail 2,
- The planned circuit is 5 km,
- The track recorded by my Suunto 5.01 km,
- The trace present in my activities of my GPS 2,750 km,
- The track broadcast on SeeMee 2.75 km,
- The track reported on the GO Cloud 4.82 km page.
Before version 5.2.0 the distances were correct and consistent.
Distance displayed by trail 2 is in Nautical unit !!!
19) Selection of a variant without effect (New in TwoNav 5.2.0)
Land 9.2.3 allows you to design a road book with variants, this road book can be either a file in *.trk or *.gpx format. If the road book is transferred to the GPS in *.gpx format, the GPS accepts it and displays the junction (right / left) but freezes the management of the choice in this display.
20) Road Book audio guide.
Following recent updates the audio no longer works in the GPS Trail 2 and Aventura. When a *.wav file is associated with a Road Book point, the GPS broadcasts a click.
Suite aux récentes mises a jour l'audio ne fonctionne plus dans les GPS Trail 2 et Aventura. Quand on associe a un point de Road Book un fichier *.wav, le GPS diffuse un claquement.
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