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    Neville Varnham

    Me too! Does your TwoNav device also forget your OS Maps username/password credentials?

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    Mark Gee

    Yes, it won't let me add the account again. I've even tried resetting the device

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    Neville Varnham

    We have identical symptoms. I have opened support ticket 244171 though there is no human acknowledgement yet of the request.

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    Uwe B.

    Gues the OS website has some API problems. Mustn't necessarily be a Twonav/Compegps failure.

    Are you trying to reach it from Land, device or browser?

    Support should know (this is just a user forum without activ Compegps participation):

    upper right corner: Submit a request.


    Keep us updated about their answers please.

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    Neville Varnham

    I am trying to access OS from my TwoNav GPS device which has always worked until Sunday this week. the device also forgets the API access credentials. You make a good point that the OS may have changed their API specification which has affected all TwoNav devices. 

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    Uwe B.

    In your complaint some important factor are missing:

    1) Did you change something on the device recently (especially firmware update). If so when?

    2) Which firmware is running on the device now.

    3) Are you able to connect to OS via Land (don't know if that was ever possible but that information helps to remove other uncertainties).

    But that is only helpful for others with the same error since Twonav representatives are absent from this forum.


    You can try to contact OS too, that might be helpful too:

    and from the manual the contact infos:

    Ordnance Survey Customer Service Centre:
    03454 560420


    If you do so, don't forget to tell them, that the Login data they are providing on their website is not up to date:

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    Neville Varnham

    The text of my support ticket is:

    My TwoNav Trails2 GPS device cannot access my OS Maps on-line account to download new routes I have created. It appears to have lost or forgotten my account details and when I re-enter them and try to access maps online I get an HTTP Post 404 error. It also does not remember the entered account details.
    My software version is 5.2.5 and the build is 202210261616 (I think this is the correct OS version).
    My device ID is 8901-KB0B-K5QX-8327

    [I recently accepted the pushed device update.]

    [I am able to successfully login to OS Maps on-line with my credentials.]

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    Uwe B.

    Looks like the infamous amazon api key problem.

    Recently the storage provider amazon changed some security measures and since that time all twonav users who try to up or download data wireless to the device are experiencing trouble with this (sometimes it is working morst of the time it isn't). That is quite a source of frustration since it is going on quite some time now.

    Only walkaround is: use an usb-cable and fill it manually with the tracks etc. you need ... and report this to OS, so that they will put some pressure on Twonav to solve the problem asap.

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    Uwe B.

    PS: For the Mac users who can't access the device via usb:

    Use an usb splitter/hub and the Mac will recognize the device.

    PPS: Best way to connect the device via usb is:

    1) Switch it off

    2) Connect it via usb to PC.

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    Mark Gee

    Update my ticket is acknowledged, the TwoNav's team say they're looking at it. I suspected that it was an API issue, but tried not to lead the witness🙂

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    Neville Varnham

    Yes, mine too!

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    Grigor Paterson

    I feel better now reading the above communication.  My Aventura GPS is having the same issues as everyone else on this thread, and it is so frustrating you cannot talk to anyone at Twonav.  I hope Twonav or OS are able to sort this out soon.  I have raised a ticket with Twonav and also spoken to OS.

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    Grigor Paterson

    I have also copied a route into Twonav - data file, which has worked in the past.  The route has copied into the Twonav Data file but it does not appear in my Routes on the GPS!

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    Neville Varnham

    I heard from TwoNav Support that they have confirmed that the fault lies with the TwoNav device and they are currently working on it.

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    Grigor Paterson
     I copied a route into Twonav - Data file.  The copied route is in the data file, but when I go into Routes in my GPS, the route, I have copied using my laptop, is not there.  What is going on?
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    Uwe B.


    If you want help from another user (the only help you will get here in this "forum"), you must be more specific. If I would like to help you, I would need a more precise description:

    1) route format

    2) route sample

    3) where in the "Twonav - Data file" (whatever that is) did you copy the "route" (exact name of the folder).

    4) Twonav version you are on.  

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    The term ROUTE is ambiguous, difficult to know what is hidden behind. In principle "ROUTE" in English means an ITINERARY either a sequence of Wpt in a linked list or of named points (In a gpx 1.1 file it is a sequence of WPT or RTEPT). On a map, these are spaced points connected by lines, a mode of navigation resulting from the needs of the navy or the air force.

    Sometimes ROUTE can be used in an ambiguous way to designate a track, ie a sequence of close and non-distinctive points (In a GPX file these are trkpt) it is a TRACK.

    At TwoNav it's confusing, we must distinguish the linked list of Wpt or Rtept (TwoNav format is *.rte) from the trkpt list (TwoNav format is *.trk). A GPX format can incorporate these three types without any nominative distinction, it must be parsed to determine its nature.

    Since the TwoNav 5.1.1 (July) and Land 9 update, files of the *.rte type are less and less accepted and more difficult to transmit to the GPS; as well as *.gpx files of the linked list type of WPT or RtePt

    If the *.Gpx file is a ROUTE (Rtept) they no longer pass and are no longer recognized by the GPS, or very difficult. We're getting there, but it's complicated. The way to transmit it to the GPS (*.gpx format) is to use LINK which a priori does not test the type of gpx (trkpt, rtept..). It must be sent to the smartphone via a cloud, or as an email attachment, select this file and LINK will send it to the GPS. But in a 5.2.4 GPS it won't open, or badly "it's not pretty!".

    Land 9.2 , more and more difficult to process ROUTE (*.rte). So for a ROUTE (RtePt) in *.gpx format, it must be converted to *.rte beforehand in an earlier Land 8.x version, then transfer it to the GPS either by a cable or by ... Then the route * .rte will open in a 5.2.4 GPS but the guidance is no longer the one known before 5.1.1, it guides you like on a road book.

    If the ROUTE is a linked list of WPT (A gpx file of type linked list of Wpt), we can send it in *.gpx format to the GPS using LINK, especially without going through the GO CLOUD Page, or the send via the cable but in the GPS it will no longer be a ROUTE but a list of WPTs, you will see it under the WayPoints tab.

    It's complicated, you have to do a lot of tests to understand how these files can pass, and how they can be used.

    TwoNav has removed the concept of ROUTE / ITINERARY which is replaced by the RoadBook, but that's another story.

    I manage to pass through the GO CLOUD files in complex *.gpx format, which are well understood by the GPS and used. Which implies that there is indeed an analysis of the type of gpx file to block ROUTES. Before Land 9 and TwoNav 5.1.1 these ROUTE files were invisible on the GO CLOUD but routed to the GPS and usable.

    Best "Road book" Hikes

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    Mark Gee

    I have spent years working in technology with clever people, and in many ways this thread reminds me of what I love about my job. All I need is to access my Ordnance Survey account and get some decent customer service and I will be happy...I am very easy to please 🙂

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    Grigor Paterson

    Hi, thanks for all the advice here, but unfortunately it is going over my head a bit, as I am not that technically knowledgeable!  I just know I used to be able to move a gpx file into my Aventura GPS that was connected to my laptop by a USB cable, using the file manager on my laptop.  I did this by dragging the gpx file (from the file where I stored the gpx file), into GPS/Twonav/Data.  I would then have the route in my routes section of my GPS.  I export my gpx routes from OS Maps. 

    I carried out another software update today and my Aventura GPS is now version 5.2.6.  This software update did not cure any of the issues I have of not accessing online OS Maps on my GPS.

    Uwe B

    If you want help from another user (the only help you will get here in this "forum"), you must be more specific. If I would like to help you, I would need a more precise description:

    1) route format - gpx

    2) route sample - "Beinn nam Fuaran & Beinn a Chaisteil - Auch.gpx"

    3) where in the "Twonav - Data file" (whatever that is) did you copy the "route" -  Twonav (D:) >Data

    (exact name of the folder).

    4) Twonav version you are on.  5.2.6

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    Uwe B.

    OK, that is something to work with.

    Can you upload "Beinn nam Fuaran & Beinn a Chaisteil - Auch.gpx" somewhere that I can have a look at it.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    If on a screen before downloading in the GPS aventura, the ROUTE (GPX) is made of spaced points, connected by a Line:

    If the answer is yes, the GPS with an update in version TN 5.3.6, no longer opens this type of file


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

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    Neville Varnham

    I am very disappointed that my device still cannot download routes from the Ordnance Survey on-line mapping site and there has been very little communication about progressing a fix.

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    Mark Gee

    Me too Neville, I previously used the OS Maps app on my phone but bought the device to save my battery on long hikes.... without this fix it doesn't meet my main functional requirement... Device plus Map tiles were a very expensive mistake...I would currently be better off with a second phone with a long battery life!

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    Grigor Paterson

    Hi Neville and Mark

    I am in the same position as you both.  I cannot access my online OS Maps through my Aventura GPS since the 5.2.5. software update.  I am very disappointed with the response from Twonav, and the inability to talk to anyone.  I have contacted OS again, and asked them to contact Twonav again, in the hope to apply pressure on them to get this issue fixed.



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    Grigor Paterson

    I have found a way round to not accessing My Online Routes, OS Maps on my Aventura GPS and therefore not being able to upload routes from my OS Maps onto my GPS. 

    1. Open up OS Maps on your laptop.

    2. Select the route from My Routes you wish to upload onto your GPS.

    3. Select Export GPX.

    4. Select Advanced options and check the Export as Track option is selected and NOT Export as Route. Then click export GPX File (screenshot attached).  The file should now be in your downloads.

    5. Connect your GPS to the laptop with a USB cable.

    6. Go into File Explorer and you should see TwoNavData (D:) and below it a folder named Data.

    7. Open up your downloads file and you should see the route you have downloaded from OS Maps.  See screenshot.

    8. Drag that file into the Data folder that is below TwoNavData (D:) or copy and paste the file into the Data folder.

    9. Disconnect your GPS from the laptop and turn the GPS on.  Go into Routes and the route be there for you to use.

    I hope this helps, it worked for me.  Just to let you know my laptop is Microsoft not Apple.  Could you let me know if this worked for you.


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    Adam Comish

    Thanks Grigor, I've just picked up an eBay "new" Trail 2 and it won't accept my OS account credentials, so your way worked perfectly.

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    Grigor Paterson

    Hi Adam

    Thanks for letting me know. 

    Sorry I would have responded earlier.  I have been away on holiday!  I am pleased this has helped, as I found it very frustrating when suddenly I could not access my OS account and routes.

    On another note I eventually subscribed to Two Nav's Land and find it very easy to use.  It is more aligned to Two Nav's GPS.  I tried a free trial of Land first before I committed to it.  Also, Two Nav are always discounting Land and other subscription products (up to 50%).  They are usually discounted around Bank Holidays and Black Friday.

    Kind regards


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