
9 comentarios

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    Carles Vila Casanova

    A mi també em passa des de fa una setmana i sembla que no resolen el problema. A mi em comença a molestar una mica, sincerament.

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    Eduardo García Ochoa Llanos

    Desde Teo Nav dais servicio a estas consultas en el blog??

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

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    Carles Vila Casanova

    This same E-Mail was sent to me about a week ago but it appears that nobody solves the issue. We, clients, paid an amount of money for something that doesn't work.

    Best regards,


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Can you use the send a request link at the top of this page to convey your dissatisfaction, this is only a user forum.

    Or write to the management of TwoNav, otherwise it's useless


    ¿Puede usar el enlace Enviar una solicitud en la parte superior de esta página para transmitir su insatisfacción? Este es solo un foro de usuarios.

    O escribir a la dirección de TwoNav, sino no sirve de nada

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    Carles Vila Casanova

    I'm sure they already know the problem. The thing is wether they want to fix it or not.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Well, use the "send a request" link to get the answer to your question, it's no use complaining to other users. We don't have the solution!

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    Carles Vila Casanova

    If an Email was sent to me reporting this problem it's because they know it. And by the way, a lot of people are complaining about it. But I'll send, as you said, a request and let's see what they say.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Users have to put pressure, otherwise there is no discomfort.

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