- Improvements in info panels for navigation
- The 'Info Next' and 'Next Event' panels have been merged into a single 'Info Next' setting.
- 'Info Next' panel is enabled by default
- 'Info Next' is automatically hidden if there is no information to display. For example, a track without roadbook points will not show it.
- 'Info Next' will show 'off route' if we are far from the track navigated.
- If a roadbook point has no croquis defined, its icon will be used as the croquis.
- The 'Info Next' and 'Next Event' panels have been merged into a single 'Info Next' setting.
- Compatible with tracks with variants
- The AutoRoute system has been thoroughly revised to optimize the system by unifying processes with the roadbook system.
- Improved iconography for menu and lists.
- 'Mark and Edit' function has now allo the waypoint properties available (not only name and icon).
- Improved Status report process, now allowing to add a message.
- Data fields title is now centered.
- Added description to some Settings sections.
- List of activities indicates the month with its name instead of with a number
- New 'Menu' key behavior (returns to the map although from any menu level.
- During SeeMe broadcast, if points cannot be submitted, they are saved for later submission (requires Link 1.2, coming soon)
- Increased notification time from 7s to 15s.
- Wireless sensor connection management improvements.
- System stability improvements. Various improvements to avoid crash situations or blockages. This version is much more resistant to these situations.
- [Cross] Schwachstelle behoben, die in einigen Fällen die GPS-Positionsbestimmung verzögern konnte.
Solved bugs:
- The UTM coordinates data field is not showing the second value of the coordinate.
- 'Back' button is not working when editing coordinates.
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