CompeGPS can not see the GPS
I am asking for an explanation of why the COMPE GPS program installed on a PC when purchasing GPS Aventura does not detect the device connected to it.
GPS was visible for several years, now when trying to launch Aventury, the message "test period expired" appears on the screen. You can purchase licenses to activate this function ....
I use GPS only to prepare travel routes, and to view the traces in Compie GPS from the connected device. Please advise how to restore the program settings to make Aventura visible. CompeGPS version 7.7.2.PL
pozdr. Jerzy Choromanski
Hello Jerzy,
Land software should detect your Aventura, even it is in free mode. If the device is shown in 'myPC', as mass storage unit, then Land should show it. Do you see your Aventura in myPC?
About "test period expired", Land software can be used for free to see tracks, transfer data to Aventura, and some more things, but there are also extra functions which require to buy a license.
If you have a TwoNav GPS (Aventura), you should also have a promotional code, which gives you a Standard license for Land. You can use this code in your personal space at
I have an Aventura and I have actived my promotional code (2014).
I have also this message "test period expired...." on Land 7.7.2 but not since the beginning of this version.
Since Land 7.6.1 (or less, may be), at each upgrade no message ! My standard license has been renewed till the first six months (about) of Land 7.7.2. Then something has changed in MyTwoNav, I have a license of more..... CompeGPS changed the behavior of the licenses.
Now, for almost (about) two years, I have this unpleasant message too ! I have not a trial version but a standard legally obtained and registered...
I have "downgraded" to Land 770. This version do not test registration code by the WEB. Soo: no message. And, for my simple use (like you Jerzy), I do not see difference.
I have the installation file for this Land 7.7.0. A dropbox (or other) link ?
For Aventura connected to Land, many things can be done.
Try other USB cables (some are not good), try other USB ports on the computer.
Try another computer (XP is less "stubborn" than W10) to test if it is the Computer or the GPS who is incorrect.
Launch your Aventura, when it is on, connect it the Computer.
Or reset computer while Aventura is connected .
Best regards
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