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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Good morning,

    Concretely, sending WayPoints works via GoCloud, but it is not tracked.

    So, if you have this list of Wpts on a device (*.Wpt or *.gpx), and on this same device you can do "Send to my devices.." it will work.

    Or if you drop this list of WPTs in the path c:/.... /compeGPS/data you open it with Land and "Send to".

    But you won't see this list on GoCloud!



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    Xavier Romero

    Gràcies per la resposta. El problema és que els waypoints estan a l'aplicació del mòbil i no sé com sincronitzar-los amb el dispositiu GPS, ni amb la GoCloud ....

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Put your finger up on the wpt file name
    Another page opens
    Three points at the bottom right Share and you can send it via the internet, place it in a Cloud folder.

    Everything is possible, especially if on your SmartPhone you have created a link to GoCloud or your Cloud..

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    Xavier Romero

    He seguit les teves instruccions ...

    Tinc instal·lat el Dropbox al meu Iphone, però no sembla que els dispositius es reconeguin entre sí ...

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Share ...

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    Xavier Romero

    He sincronizado el Iphone con el GPS y me aparece el archivo, pero no sé cómo acceder a él 

    Lamento mi torpeza, pero soy un usuario muy reciente.


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Then, Send File (Open all your SmartPhone share applacation)

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    Xavier Romero

    Moltíssimes gràcies per la teva paciència.

    Aquesta darrera pantalla no em surt, per tant, és evident que tinc un problema de configuració al meu smartphone, que no sé resoldre.

    Gràcies de nou!!!

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    I didn't quite understand the purpose of your request.

    If it involves sending a file created on your SmartPhone (or Gps) to your GPS (or SmartpHone) via GoCloud it will not work.

    The principle of GoCloud is a star operation, the center (heart) is Land and its /data folder.

    A file placed in /data that you decide to send to your devices (GPS / SmartPhone) is broadcast to these devices, i.e. the "branches" of the star.

    In a device (Gps or Smartphone) a file can go up to the GoCloud (Land /data folder) when Land starts or if synchronization is forced. It goes back from the branch to the center, it never goes from one branch to another => the file will not go to another device. It must always be returned from the heart or from a menu of Land.

    The other solution is to have created your own Cloud (example Google) and to have placed a link to your GoCloud account on your SmartPhone.

    This way, from a device (GPS or SmartPhone) you can, without Land, transfer a file either to the GoCloud or to your own CLOUD. Then it's easy on the SmartPhone to switch this file from GoCloud to your own Cloud or vice versa.

    Once the file is imported onto the SmartPhone (from your Cloud), it is broadcast everywhere, including to the GoCloud. And when it is in the GoCloud even without synchronization it is possible to fetch it from the GPS menu (My Cloud)

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    Xavier Romero

    Moltes gràcies de nou, m'has donat una lliçó que tindré en compte!!

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