Search for address


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    It works with vector maps (eg OSM 21 Q2) which are actually databases. A raster or 3D map is a simple image.

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    @Thierry, Even if I leave only the map "Portugal_OSM_21q2" selected, when I go to the SEARCH menu, the ADDRESS option is not active.
    I can even look up coordinates, but not the name of a street.
    My cross plus is on version 5.9.2, it was updated today

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    when I go to the SEARCH menu, the ADDRESS option is not active.

    Yes this is the definition since several update ( . But the search option work on others data.

    Best regards



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    Uwe B.

    Adress search is only working with TomTom maps not with OSM maps (both are vector maps). Those maps need to be bought. We are waiting for Compe to add this feature to OSM maps years now but I did not see any changes in this direction. If I do an adress search, my TomTom map is automatically opened.

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    Uwe B.

    The tomtom map doesn't follow trail right? 

    I activate the search function by address, but I am limited to streets and highways . 

    But from what I understand, I can search for a POI and follow trails, or search for the address and follow streets/highways


    Any alternative to using the cross plus like the kommot, where I search for a nearby village or church and it takes me along the known trails? 


    Thank you very much for your availability 

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Which map do you recommend me buy? 


    I would like something that follows tracks and streets, but that I could search for the address. 


    Thank you very much for your help 

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    Uwe B.

    Yes, TomTom maps usually don't have trails mapped. You could use the TomTom maps to find the place, show it on the map, hide/close the TomTom map and use the OSM map to navigate to it.

    Another way without TomTom would be creating a village/hamlet/city/church name waypoint database via OSM (for instance with and use this with an OSM vector map.

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    Uwe B.

    I know they have this name search on the ToDo list, but don't know about a time frame:



    Proyectos mercado profesional

    Mejora del motor de búsqueda por nombre en mapas personalizados


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    @Uwe B.
    I was able to install the map easily, But I couldn't understand when to tell me to look for the place/street, close the map and use it to follow the track of the original TwoNav map.
    Can you explain it to me?

    I noticed that there is the option to put the map in front or behind, is that what you wanted to tell me? But then I select it in tomtom and send the map back to use the twonav map

    Sorry for my ignorance, I'm completely new with these handheld gps. I come from a garmin fenix 7x and I bought this cross plus to be able to see the routes better and in more detail

    I'm really very grateful

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    Uwe B.

    Hi Fernando, thanks for the background info, now I know to which extend I need to explain.

    As sidenote: Since Twonav can only route between 2 points, most users prefer to create a breadcrumb track via Fasttrack (till now only possible in Land) and follow this, but this is another story.


    Background infos:

    Maps: We are dealing with 3 types of maps:

    1. Vectormaps
    2. Rastermaps
    3. 3D maps

    Vectormaps (vmap, mpv, mpvf, ...) are a kind of database, which might have all kind of data integrated (routing info, streetnames, POI, etc) but can also be quite rudimentary, depending of what is integrated and what isn’t. Till now Compe only supports search for streetnames in TomTom vectormaps which have to be bought though OSM vectormaps do have a streetnames integrated too but can’t be searched for them.

    Rastermaps (rmap, rtmap, ecw, mbtiles, ...) are picturemaps without any database in it.

    3D maps (cdem, dem, hdr, ...) are a kind of Rastermaps with elevation info in it. Twonav uses them to calculate expected elevation if this is wished or create a 3D mapview

    To your question.


    • If you activated automaps, deactivate it. (Settings-Profile-Mapview-Auto-open Maps. If it is activated, you can define your routing preference, select OSM for later. Deactivate: Center Automatically too)
    • Now you need at least to open 2 maps for your area: TomTom & OSM
    • Search for the country, city, street you want to go -> you see it on the map. There is a small cross marking the place. Click the 3 dots on the lower right corner and select “show on map page”.
    • Now shortclick on the map, press the lower right corner 3 dots, maplist (deselect the TomTom map [you could do it via the settings menu too but this way is shorter])
    • Now select the exact spot you want to go by longpressing on the map till the red pin appears. Click the 3 dots again: Navigate here and make sure on the next screen to activate Autorouting (the green button on the lower left corner.)


    Just as additional info: Twonav allows to switch between OPENED maps easily via a configurable button in the toolbar. I strongly recommend to add this button.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    In addition to what has already been written and having read your expression of your need...

    • TomTom is a map adapted to road traffic (on asphalt), therefore to cars or road cycling.
    • OSM allows the same thing, with in addition traffic on trails, paths, therefore to mountain biking, gravel, or trail.
    • For hiking, the Raster map (without data) will be the most suitable map because it allows you to orient yourself.


    In principle, we should not reason from the solution, but from the need and this reflection must converge towards the solution (GPS and the map)

    • Either your activities are exclusively on asphalt, the appropriate map is the TomTom map.
    • Either your activity is a mix (Asphalt / paths) or it is mostly paths, the appropriate map is the OSM map (If we integrate the speed factor, it is simpler and faster to read than a raster topo map, if we agree to stop the Raster map is the appropriate map).
    • Either you navigate while hiking by reading the map and it will be a Raster map (It is an image)

    There is no GPS at this stage, whatever the manufacturer, that allows you to go from Nantes to Orléans while visiting all the castles of the Loire. This will come (fairly quickly) with the contribution of artificial intelligence in a few years. Whatever the GPS manufacturer, the integrated routing (automatic route calculation) remains quite simplistic even in the Garmin ranges dedicated for example to motorcycle rides.

    So if your idea is that your GPS will take you through the symatic paths visiting the pretty monuments or viewpoints, forget it. It is possible but you have to build this route, with or without guidance and integrate it into the GPS.

    Automatic guidance along paths or trails. Please note that the GPS did not build the route.


    The FastTrack tool, integrated in Land, allows you to build a route with integrated guidance. In the latest version of land 10.0.4 this tool is starting to be usable (there are few artifacts).

    With this tool it is possible to choose your path.



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