How can i open a map by tapping on the screen left/right/above/under of the current displayed map


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Not knowing what type of map it is, the answer is generic.

    It seems to me that it is a handling error on your part (you are not opening the right map/file) or a fault in loading and installing the maps, let me explain..

    A map is tiles (what you are trying to open) more or less numerous and a "catalog" of tiles which is a text file that lists the tiles.

    So we select the catalog and then the GPS or Land will automatically open the right tile at the right zoom.

    If for one reason or another you have a solution to create your map tiles at the different zooms, you just have to associate a catalog, this is done with Land by creating a hyper map.

    Concrete example a map that covers Mont Blanc spanning France, Switzerland, Italy.

    1. Let's imagine that there are 30 tiles of 10 x 10 km maps with 5 tiles Zoom 12, 10 tiles Zoom 14 and 15 tiles zoom 16
    2. I will create a directory MontBlanc_RTMAP (_RTmap is a mandatory name after the map name) so I have this /map/MontBlanc_RTMAP
    3. I will copy / paste all my tiles in the folder /MontBlanc_RTMAP
    4. Then with Land => Create new hyper map and name it Topo-MontBlanc.imp and save it in /map

    In Land I open all my tiles and Topo-MontBlanc.imp is open

    With the mouse I drag all the tiles of zoom 12 into Topo-MontBlanc.imp, this is done in the map tree by selecting the map names

    Then all the tiles zoom 14 and finally all the tiles zoom 16. In the list zoom 12 at the bottom and zoom 16 at the top.

    Here is to save everything

    Close, Land,

    Open Land and this time select the Topo-MontBlanc map and Land will open the right tile in the right zoom level

    For the GPS, just copy / paste Topo-MontBlanc.imp & the /MontBlanc_RTMAP folder in the /map of the GPS and that's it.

    With a text editor it is possible to refine the zoom levels or the tiles will be visible.

    First example

    Or as on this picture to limit the map name in the script

    Exemple for a map named Vetiflette-Topo.imp (Hyper map made by land and zoom updates)


    Try with only one or two tiles.. 

    Best regards

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    Nico Kooij

    Thank you for this detailed exlanation. I will start trying with 2 tiles and will report my findings.  

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    Nico Kooij


    I tested with 2 tiles. When i open the file on TwoNav on my iPhone i get the error Map Does not specify a image filename.

    In the TwoNav manual i cannot find Hyper maps.

    Here the lines of my .img file:
    CompeGPS MAP File
    Datum=WGS 84
      <Hlayer File="Nederland\Nederland Top25\*.rmap" MaxZoomLevel="100" MinZoomLevel="0.1" />
      <Hlayer File="Nederland\Nederland Top50\*.rmap" MaxZoomLevel="100" MinZoomLevel="0.1" />

    Am i doing something wrong?


    Nico Kooij

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    In the TwoNav manual i cannot find Hyper maps. =>*.imp

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Here the lines of my .img file: .imp !!


    <Hlayer File="Nederland\Nederland Top25\*.rmap" MaxZoomLevel="100" MinZoomLevel="0.1" />

    <HLayer File="MontBlanc_RTMAP\Saint Gervais.rmap" MaxZoomLevel="10.000"/>

    The maps (tiles) do not seem to be in the correct folder

    It works everywhere except your home, so

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    An Exemple for you :


    First Add the tiles and create a new Hyper map

    Second step: Rename the new hyper map and save it as picture above




    Then Your Map


    It is possible to specify the min and max zoom levels on each line in order to finely manage the display, but this should be done once you have mastered the creation.



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    Nico Kooij

    Thank you for your support.

    I have no Land and make the .img file by hand and started with your example.

    I upload the cards and the .img file with WinSCP. I have to activate the Connect to Land option on TwoNav on my iPhone.

    I attached below a screenshot of the directory on my iPhone.
    Also the current Nederland.img file.

    CompeGPS MAP File
    Datum=WGS 84
      <Hlayer File="25h-bussum-2023.RMAP" MaxZoomLevel="100" MinZoomLevel="0.1" />

    I really am not sure or Hymermaps are supported bij TwoNav on iPhone. The manual is from version 5.3 and i have version 5.2.8.
    The manual also says that the default directory for maps is 'TwoNavData/Maps' but on my iphone they do not exist. Therefore i will ask TwoNav  support or Hypermaps are supported by TwoNav for ios and how i have to make that working.

    I will keep in touch with you.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Now it's good, problem solved.

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    Nico Kooij

    I am sorrie but when testing with my own rmap-files in your map-directory i got the same problem.

    So i think my rmap-files are not compatible.

    I generate them with an very old CompeGPS program.

    Did you test with my rmap-files on your android device?

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    No your rmap are correct, these are errors in the writing of the script. I checked with your maps (See my email). In the previous case (see my email) the path is not good (there is one path too many) and the name of the cards is indexed in the script without being in the folder. These are "beginner" errors, take your time.


    In Nederland Top 25

    In Nederland top 50

    As i write  before the best issue is to name the paths with map as :  Nederland -Top-25_RTMAP  => Add _RTMAP behind the name.


    CompeGPS MAP File
    Datum=WGS 84
      <HLayer File="Nederland Top 50\26o-t50-harderwijk-2023.RMAP"/>
      <HLayer File="Nederland Top 50\25w-t50-amsterdam-2023.RMAP"/>
      <HLayer File="Nederland Top 25\26c-huizen-2023.RMAP"/>
      <HLayer File="Nederland Top 25\25h-bussum-2023.RMAP"/>






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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    If the name of the folder containing the tiles does not end with _RTMAP you will see the name of the map and all the tiles on your screen (A mess!)

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    Nico Kooij

    Oke Thierry, i apologize. You are right, i am a beginner and making a lot of beginner faults:-)

    But now it works with my own rmap-files. I will follow all your tips in making my big Hipermap.

    Have a nice day.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Here a link to the maps (My first check, & the hyper map with your map in your Nederland folder) 

    Unzip the 7z file in the /map folder then open the map Topo_Nederland in the nederland folder


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    When you start out, mistakes are inevitable.

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