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    Thierry CHARLÈS




    OS is the Ordonance Survey map ?

    Here is an user forum, it is not TwoNav, to contact TwoNav use the link in the upper rigth corner of this page.

    The best solution is to contact the Map provideur (OS).

    If it is an Open Street Map, the maps aspect is tunable with LAND for each layeur, color,  line thinhness, etc..

    An Exemple


    Best Regards

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    Thank you for your reply

    I have the os (ordance survey map) maps downloaded onto my TwoNav aventura 2 plus, but it just does not look like an ordinary OS map colouring, so is making it hard to distinguish features. Please see pictures

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    As indicated in my first answer, use the send a request link at the top of this page, to ask TwoNav the question.

    Here is for user only

    Then, I see that you are trying to view the same area (surface) on two screens of different sizes and resolutions.

    As the map is a RASTER type map, therefore an image, they do not have the same zoom level (pixels per inch) on the screen. At the top it is clear because the resolution of the display (screen) and the resolution of the map are homogeneous (Number of pixels per inch). At the bottom as you are trying to display the same area as at the top, while the screen is not the same size, the map (the image) is viewed with a different zoom level, the image becomes pixelated (it blurs).

    It seems to me that this is one of the hypotheses that explains what you see, zoom less at the bottom and the appearance of the map should improve.

    If this is not the case (second hypothesis), it is because the bottom map (TwoNav GPS) does not have the same resolution (pixels per inch) as the top one (Display the map properties to see), you should see the resolution in pixels per inch of each map.

    Then the definition of each screen (Pixel per inch) influences the appearance of the map.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Your GPS is a TRAIL 2, like mine.

    In France we do not use OS maps, but IGN.

    If we buy this map via TwoNav the map has a resolution of 2.5 pixels per inch, if we import the map directly from the IGN portal (It's legal) the resolution is better 1.6 m per pixel, moreover the two datums are different. TwoNav makes these choices to ensure compatibility with its old GPS, and we are lucky to directly access the native IGN database (So without transformation). In the end the map purchased from TwoNav is much less sharp, under 1.8 m per pixel on the screen it starts to become blurry while the map directly from the IGN only becomes blurry under 1 m/pixel screen. However the nominal use of a GPS is between 0.8 m and 1.5 m per pixel.

    It is impossible to intervene on the appearance of a RASTER map, as on a photo, it is a matter of definition / resolution and choice of zoom on display.

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    I did send two nav a personal message too, just awaiting their response, thank you.

    What you are saying would make sense. If it is too far zoomed out on the screen, we have trouble seeing it then (eyesight not so good when you get older, haha).

    Thank you very much though for your very comprehensive possibilities.

    I think because the way it is advertised and is made to look just like the OS mapping we get here in Britain, we were expecting it to look the same, just like on my phone, but clearly this does not seem to be the case.

    I will see what Two Nav come back with.

    Thank you so much again

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