Keep system open on new devices
Twonav is one of the most adaptable GPS software/hardware solutions! It can be adapted for bicycle riding, hiking, motorcross, geocaching, jogging and even ballon flying etc..
Keep that and bring it back on the new devices. All this options are useful! If first time users are overwhelmed by it does not mean they should be removed. There could be a beginner and an advanced user menu. Even changing gps.ini, ootions.cxml, icon files etc. manually is something that is wanted and needed. A better documentation for that would be most welcome (and a skin editior too).
I also would had preferred if there would be a beginners mode(with actual setting) and an expert mode(with full settings).
A compromise could be if \appdata folder could be adapted to use custom pointer, custom waypoints, custom language files and even customized options and skins.
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