Ultra - Appdata folder sync works only from device to SDMMC and not vice versa
Some of the more advanced users like to edit their gps.ini files manually on bigger screens.
I just happen to notice, that the SDMMC:\TwoNavDAta\Appdata folder is only a one way street. Changes are made by the user in this folder have no influence on the behaviour of the Ultra. Furthermore this folder is only synchronized from device to this folder, if the Ultra is switched off properly. Connecting it via USB does not trigger a synchronizing procedure. Please consider giving the advanced user the possibility back to change the gps.ini manually.
Hi Uwe,
The process of updating version in Ultra is copying files to the internal memory. So, if you downoad the version from Downloads section in twonav.com, and add your gps.ini in the TwoNav folder, it should be also copied inside the device.
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