
8 commenti

  • Hello,

    Do you walk ?

    I think your problem is in chapter 5.2.8 of the manual of Trail.

    If bearing set on GPS, you must move faster than 5 km/h to have a good bearing.

    Bearing based on GPS Datas oblige you to move. (and the limit of TwoNav is 5km/h to toggle between GPS or Compass in automatic).

    If you are slow: Compass. (or automatic)

    Best regards

    Un user





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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    In addition to Laurent's help, you must adjust the low speed limit for each profile. Under this speed the compass stabilizes the map. For a hiker put 3 or 3.5 km / h.

    Good hiking

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    joaquim Teixeira

    Hello Laurent

    When I noticed the related situation, I was stuck on the middle of the woods, then almost stopped.

    Thank you for the information


    Joaquim teixeira

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    joaquim Teixeira

    Thank you Thierry Charlès

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    I think it is not the problem. Like the title say, this parameter is used when you record your activity.

    In woods, you can have bad reception of satellites... It can affect bearing. So, my feeling, bearing Automatic or Compass. Check this parameter...

    You can join TwoNav by "send a private request". Here are only users....

    Best regards

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Before sending a request I suggest you give it a try, then if that doesn't give you satisfaction you can send a request.

    I have a TRAIL 2 and I can tell you what I did to stabilize the map.

    If you read the manual comment carefully, this information is not exclusive of recording the trace. It serves well to decipher the notion of movement.

    Minimum moving speed: Set the minimum speed value to consider movement. Speeds under this value will not be considered movement. This value is set by you.

    For a hiker, this setting is not obvious because the speed is never very high. Mountain biking is easier.

    Have fun, as I did during your outings to adjust it

    Good hikes


    Avant d'envoyer une demande je vous suggère de faire l'essai, ensuite si ca ne vous donne pas satisfaction vous pourrez adresser une demande.

    Pour info, j'ai un TRAIL 2 et je sais vous dire ce que j'ai fait pour stabiliser la carte.

    Si vous lisez avec attention le commentaire du manuel, cette information n'est pas exclusive de l'enregistrement de la trace. Elle sert bien a décréter la notion de mouvement.

    Vitesse de déplacement minimum : ce champ permet de fixer la vitesse minimum qui sera considérée comme un déplacement. Les vitesses inférieures à cette valeur ne seront pas considérées comme mouvements (mais comme un déplacement à 0 km/h).

    Pour un randonneur, ce paramétrage n'est pas évident car la vitesse n'est jamais tres élevée. A VTT c'est plus facile.

    Amusez vous, comme je l'ai fait au cours de vos sorties a l'ajuster

    Bonnes randonnées

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  • Please Joaquim,

    Try parameters one by one. So you could learn which is the good one.

    Best regards 

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    joaquim Teixeira

    Thank you all


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