Aventura 2 - Charging


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    I invite you to read the documentattion relating to the charging of the batteries of this technology. The charging time is neither directly dependent on the capacity nor linear. On my GPS the charging time following a complete discharge took 3 hours, discharging to 40% the charging time is also around 3 hours. and around 1h30 for 15%.


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    Rainer Stadlmayr


    which documentation are you referring to?

    It looks as if my device has issues: I am using a 2 Amp-charger and it takes me more than 10(!) hours to come to 90%.


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Ask the question to google "Charging a Li-Ion battery" and you will be able to consult the basic data.

    As the charging time depends on the current, your charger does not simply charge 2A.

    When it is connected to a USB port of a recent PC the charge takes how long.

    I have chargers which have the capacity to deliver 2A and a PowerBank which can also deliver 2A.

    But if I plug it into a POWER BANK which cannot deliver 2A the load never succeeds.

    Change your charger and it will be better.



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    Rainer Stadlmayr


    I don't quite understand but my experience is: using a regular charger (I tested about 4-5 different, one of them being an original twonav device) will never bring the device to 100%, it charges 5% per hour average which means - in theory - after 20 hours the battery pack should be at 100%. It is not. It will simply stop charging after a while.

    Using a 2Amp charger or a laptop it will charge at about 8-10% per hour and bring the device to 98% or 99%, never to 100%.

    Do yu think this is reasonable?

    Thanks for your opinion.


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    Thierry CHARLÈS
    Good evening,
    It is a current load and as the load curve is expontential, and the load current decreases as the load grows.
    You cannot extrapolate a charge time of 80% to 90% for a charge of 10% to 50%.
    You should read the technical documents dealing with this subject.
    My advice, leave your GPS screen on, satellite reception OFF, fully discharge which will take a night plus a morning.
    Then brab it on your charger and note the time it will take.
    You would have done it instead of wasting your time on this forum you would have your answer.
    I am a user like you, and I did this operation, the charge lasted 3 hours.
    When I ask myself questions I do the test accordingly and I have my answer cordially
    Not being behind you, to note your "tests" I do not venture to formulate an opinion. It is feedback.
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    Rainer Stadlmayr

    Hi again,

    thanks for your feedbak, unfortuantely this is not what I was asking for. I did exactly the test as you said: I discharged the GPS down to 10% or less and started charging. With a regular charger it took 20h to come to >90%, with a 2A-charger it took about 10h to come to 90%.

    All I was asking is: what are the experiences of other Aventura 2 users: how long does it take to charge your device? Is it an Aventura 2?


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    Czalaj Jonathan

    Mine a brand new Aventura 2. Today I've charged (2A-charger and orignal cable) the Aventura 2 for the second time and it took quite a long time from 66% to 99%. It never reached 100%, after 3hours I've stopped the charge.

    I've ordered the battery adapter because I know that one day the battery will die or will have a problem (just have a look in the forum with users having battery problems) and I don't want to send them for that.

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    The adventura 2 has a 6000 ma / h battery, it is a li-ion technology. If you search the internet for the characteristics of this battery technology, you will get this (example from Digikey):

    For the current load, the source must provide 0.5 C (C being the capacity in ma / h) or 3 Amps for an aventura 2 (2A for a trail 2).
    For a "recovery" charge of a battery it is 1x C or 6 A for an aventura 2.

    For discharge, this technology does not like repetitive full discharges. You must recharge it each time it is used.
    The autonomy is to be able to use it 36 ​​consecutive hours, if you go on a trip of 10 times 3, 6 hours you will destroy your battery after a few cycles.

    Buy, a 5 V / 6 amps power supply unit, or a PowerBank capable of supplying 6 Amps.

    The maximum charging time (See at Digikey) is 3 hours for a fully discharged battery with a charger capable of 0.5 C or 3 Amps for an aventura 2.


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    Czalaj Jonathan

    Here is the twonav response to my answer : approx 8h from 10% to 100%

    I'm testing at the moment, starting the charge at 18% and taking note of the charge capacity every hour until fully charged.

    I'll post my result when done

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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    @ Jonathan  C'est une technologie Li-ION  les recommandations liées à cette technologie sont les suivantes:

    - Charger avec une sources capable de fournir 0,5 x C (C = Capacité de la batterie) donc pour un aventura c'est une source capable de fournir 3A.

    - Charger régulièrement, (si possible après chaque utilisation),

    - Eviter les décharges profondes et répétées.

    Donc si tu le raccorde après chaque utilisation a une source capable de  fournir 3A, tout devrait bien se passer et le jour ou tu aura besoin de l'utiliser à la limite de son autonomie ca se passera bien.

    A contrario si tu cherches systématiquement a exploiter la durée maximale d'autonomie, la batterie va rapidement perdre cette autonomie.

    A la louche, la charge étant gérée correctement le taux de décharge en utilisation sera de l'ordre de 5% par heure.


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