Trail 2 micro USB cable right angle direction


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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    Yes it is neither important nor a problem, the closing cover of the access to the connector is flexible, it will not break. For over a year now I haven't noticed any consequences. If that can reassure you. In addition with WiFi, Link the use of the USB cable is only used to charge the cards and the battery. No user has come to this forum to complain about any consequence of this connection mode.
    A user who has accumulated more than 400 hours of use, and more than 3000 km, or the order of 150 to 200 cable connections.

    Good hikes

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  • HI,

    No user has come to this forum to complain about any consequence of this connection mode.

    I read a complain but it is not with the genuime cover but with the spare part. If you lost your cover, the spare part you can buy is not as flexible. So, do not loose your cover.

    A user who has accumulated more than 400 hours of use, and more than 3000 km, or the order of 150 to 200 cable connections.

    A clarification: Mr Charlés did not ride these kilometers with the connected USB cable. With vibrations (Bike, MTB) it is not very recommended. He says: "I plug in the USB cable to charge my battery and charge maps". So when he's stationary.

    An user

    Best regards


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    "I read a complain but it is not with the genuime cover but with the spare part."

    Yes but, for me, the complain is about the first Trail (Trail 1) generation, not for the current TRAIL 2 design. It is not the same design because TwoNav had to solved a major default.

    "A clarification: Mr Charlés did not ride these kilometers with the connected USB cable. With vibrations (Bike, MTB) it is not very recommended. He says: "I plug in the USB cable to charge my battery and charge maps". So when he's stationary."

    Yes, with the new battery autonomy, the USB cable plugded during a ride is not a solution!

    An french user

    Best regards

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    Doron Cohen

    Thanks for the responses. My intended use of the USB cable is for charging only, that is "stationary" as well.
    The user manual says:
    "IMPORTANT: To charge the device correctly, we recommend using at least a 2A charger and the original USB cable that is packaged with the device. If you use a less powerful charger, or other cables, the charging may be slower, or the device might even discharge despite being plugged in."
    So I concluded that besides being a powerful cable, also the right angle is of importance, and felt appreciative for it. That's why it surprised me so much to find out that the right angle does not relieve the pressure from the cover, but rather increase it. From a design POV it seems to me an illogical design decision. The only possible justification I could come up with is that perhaps the folded cover prevents the USB plug from being inserted too deep into the socket and potentially damage it.
    The thing is, Trail 2 is a beautifully designed device. So there must be a good reason for this counter intuitive plug-socket-cover configuration. But what can this reason be? Otherwise, if no reason can be named, might it be a mistaken design?
    Again, thanks for sharing with us your thoughts end experience in regard to this dilemma.

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    Czalaj Jonathan

    I didn't pay attention to this (my Aventura has 2 days, not yet charged) but yeah the design is not logical.

    I'll use another usb cable for sure !

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Good evening,
    The hood is irrelevant, the material is flexible. What is essential is to provide it with at least 2A of charging current otherwise you will shoot the battery as some users have done. This battery technology requires a high current at the start then this current decreases with the level of charge. (search for the documentation relating to this techno with Google) So if the impedance of your cable is too high (wires of smaller section) you will kill your battery.

    It's up to you to see where your interest is!

    Good hikes

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  • HI,

    thanks for sharing with us your thoughts end experience in regard to this dilemma.

    I havn't this Trail so, I have no experience with it.

    Unless you have the GPS and its bike mount (Trail and Trail BIKE are the same. Trail Bike has a bike mount) in hand, it's hard to argue. If the plug were turned 180 degrees, the cable would come out of the volume of the device. It wouldn't be much better. I think the choice is a compromise between several constraints. Like any compromise, there are pros and cons.

    An user (Aventura2009)

    Best regards


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    Doron Cohen

    Nice catch! Thanks! I didn't think of this possible reason - avoid from exposing the USB cable outside of the device boundaries. Even though I use the cable only for charging at home, and it is attached to the bike mount otherwise, I can appreciate why current position may be better for charging during the ride. However in this case a right angled USB-C interface would satisfy all causes.
    Thanks & Happy rides,

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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Good evening, Excuse me for insisting but you are focusing on an unimportant point of detail, the material used for the connector cover does not suffer any damage after more than a year of regular use. The main thing is to preserve and properly manage the life of the battery, which is essential: Respect the charging current, do not discharge the battery regularly, recharge often without reaching 100%. Many advice sites on the internet insist on: Do not connect to the USB of a PC, prefer a charger that delivers the right current, stay above 50% discharge then recharge. Total discharge seems to be accepted as a battery maintenance operation. So connect your GPS with the cable provided to a charger. All cables are not the same, the conductor section if it is unsuitable will cause a drop in voltage and eventually your battery will see its lifespan reduced. Good hikes

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  • Bonsoir,

    Do not connect to the USB of a PC, prefer a charger that delivers the right current,

    "Quelqu'un" m'a soutenu que toute prise USB délivrait 5V 5A. J'avais dit: non ! Vous vous en rappeler Mr Charlés ?

    Sorry Doron, do not worry: it is an issue between Mr Charlés and me.

    Best regards


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  • Good evening,

    However in this case a right angled USB-C interface

    It may have been a manufacturing or pecuniary constraint. A GPS does not conceive in 5 minutes. At the time of drawing up the plans, did USB-C have the notoriety it has now? When the product arrives near the end of manufacture, it is expensive to make changes.

    Changing the pivot point of the cover to 90 degrees would have been a possibility.

    Best regards


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  • Mr Charlés,

    Vos propos (que vous avez effacés depuis):

    J'ai du écrire a l'époque que l'USB selon sont type doit être conçut pour délivré 1,5 A, 3A, voir 5A. C'est ce que l'ont peut lire lorsqu'on consulte les spécifications, qui en principe sont utilisée comme cahier des charges.

    AH QUE NON !


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    Thierry CHARLÈS

    Hello boys,

    A Li_ON battery should be charged with a current of 0.5C and if the cell voltage drops to 3V the charging current should be 1C. C being the battery capacity, concretely for a TRAIL 2 it is 2 A or 4A and for an Aventura 2 it is 3A or 6A. (Reference is  here), see the diagram below.

    If the charging voltage does not reach 4.2V, the battery life will be reduced.

    Concretely you need a good charger, capable of delivering at least 2A for a TRAIL 2 or 3A for an Aventura 2. As a consequence, a USB port conforming to its 3A specifications may be sufficient for a TRAIL 2 in current situation, for an Anima. 2 it is at the limit.

    The USB cable if the wires transmitting the load are too thin or of poor quality, this can lead to a voltage drop of more than 2A, the 4.1 / 4.2V threshold will not be reached and the battery will suffer.

    That a "generic" recommendation on the internet that does not target a particular piece of equipment recommends avoiding the use of the USB port is quite logical given the technical constraints. This does not mean that your PC's USB port will not fulfill this role (If this PC is in accordance with the specifications), although for the Anima 2 it is close to the limit.

    These characteristics may explain why there have already been returns for a battery fault. What will happen if the deep discharges are repeated, or if the charger used is not able to deliver sufficient current or if the voltage drop in the cable is too great.

    For example, using a solar panel to recharge your GPS can be a backup solution, but if it is not able to deliver the right current for the time needed if the use of this means is repeated over time, it is the battery that will die, while everything seems normal.

    I wish you to enjoy your GPS for a long time, a TRAIL 2 battery is 49 € plus import taxes now!


    1. Il n'y a que "les imbéciles" qui ne changent pas d'avis,
    2. Ont progresse de ses erreurs, rarement de ses succès; 

    Cela dit comme Laurent initialise un match de ping pong par une séquence d'archéologie ont peut tous en faire de l'archéologie, et accumuler les mi temps !

    Petit exemple de ce magnifique cours ou U = RI, qui ne s'applique même pas a une batterie au plomb sauf a vouloir lui raccourcir la vie! 

    "PS2: Trail 2, """calcul très rapide""": batterie 4000 mAh, autonomie 20 heures (à voir les conditions) soit une consommation de 200 mAh.

    Votre moyeu fourni 500 mAh. EDIT: voir les conditions imposées pour avoir ces 0,5 A"

    Pour sonner la fin de la partie, je suggère d'ôter de ce fil toutes les interventions inappropriées, cela fait je  réintroduirait proprement le justificatif suivant.

    Une batterie Li_ON doit être chargée avec un courant de 0,5C et si la tension des cellules tombe à 3V le courant de charge doit être de 1C. C étant la capacité de la batterie, concrètement pour un TRAIL 2 c'est 2 A couramment ou 4A et pour un Aventura 2 c'est 3A ou 6A. (Ref ici), voir le diagramme ci dessous.

    Si la tension de charge n'atteint pas 4,2V, la durée de vie de la batterie sera réduite. 

    Concrètement il faut un bon chargeur, capable de délivrer à minima  2A pour un TRAIL 2 ou 3A pour un Aventura 2. Par voie de conséquence, un port USB conforme a ses spécifications 3A peut suffire pour un TRAIL 2 en situation courante, pour un Anima 2 c'est à la limite.

    Le câble USB si les fils transmettant la charge sont trop fins ou de mauvaise facture cela peut conduire à une chute de tension avec un courant de 2A ou plus, le seuil 4,1 / 4,2V ne sera pas atteint et la batterie va en pâtir. 

    Qu'une recommandation "générique" sur internet qui ne cible pas un matériel particulier préconise d'éviter l'utilisation du port USB est tout à fait logique vu les contraintes techniques. Ce qui ne veut pas dire que le port USB de votre PC ne remplira pas ce rôle (Si ce PC est en conformité avec les spécifications) pour un matériel donné, bien que pour l'Anima 2 ce soit proche de la limite.

    Ces caractéristiques, liées à la charge,  peuvent expliquer pourquoi il y a déjà eu des retours en Espagne pour un défaut de batterie. Ce qui surviendra inévitablement si les décharges profondes sont répétées, ou si le chargeur utilisé n'est pas en mesure de délivrer un courant suffisant ou si la chute de tension dans le câble est trop Importante.

    Par exemple, utiliser panneau solaire pour recharger son GPS peut être une solution de secours, mais s'il n'est pas en mesure de délivrer le bon courant durant le temps nécessaire a terme c'est la batterie qui va mourir, alors que tout semble normal. 

    A priori si ont se réfère a ces spécifications une génératrice "chinoise" couplée a un moyeu de roue ne doit qu'accélère la fin de vie des batteries de Smartphone vu que le courant est proportionnel à l'intensité du pédalage, et que j'ai cru comprendre que la spéciation implique une bonne vitesse moyenne.


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    Doron Cohen

    Hi, thanks to responders for taking the time to answer and discuss my question. I learned something new from each of your posts. I will use the original cable for charging. It will fold the cover, which will tolerate it, hopefully. Meanwhile, I'll raise this question with the support team. Will update here on any new information that will come up. Many thanks, and happy new year and good hikes and rides.

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    Adam Meijer

    I had the same question with my new Aventura 2. Using for about a year now. Although folding the cover is okay, positioning of the cable connector over the folded cover is not logical. I am wondering whether there are USB cables with the connector in opposite direction. Haven't looked for that yet. I noticed however another issue with the cover. It does not fit firmly in closed position and opens very easily during a hike especially when using gloves. Not so best when it is raining, I think. The connector on the device is easily exposed to rain. Is there a replacement cover that fits more firmly? I have the old Aventura also and did not have an issue with USB connector being exposed to rain so easily compared to the Aventura 2.

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    Doron Cohen

    I moved to use a straight USB cable, not the one that came with the Trail 2. 

    Truth is I have a much more serious problem with the device, I'll share in a different thread.

    Good luck with the USB issue, please share if you find a solution.

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    Doron Cohen

    Thanks @Tierry, this is very reassuring. You too connect a right angled cable, completely folding the cover, and the cover is never damaged. I'll use it this way too then. Even though the design is still unclear to me. Thanks again, and good rides.

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