Update of OSM Maps
The OSM maps which are offered from Compe is outdated since 4 years.
The last update is from 2015!
The data in OSM changed a lot in the meantime.
Yearly updates are the minimum which Compe should offer.
I'm very unhappy about this.
An issue for your request is MOBAC, This Software make Tile for TWO NAV from the last OSM Update.
Good trail
Mobac, creates raster maps and not vectorial maps!
Vectorial maps can be very useful for routing and planing tours.
By the way, I create for some regions/countries out of OSM vectorial maps for TwoNav.
http://www.twonav-gps.com/sites/karten/ray.htmlSome parts from Germany, Italy, France and Canary Islands (part of Spain)
and the countries Austria, Slowenia, Switzerland
Also I create Maps with mtb singletrail-scale and with swiss hiking scale (SAC).
it is really a shame, that TwoNav ignores the request for an update of the OSM maps. What is the problem and why don't you communicate withe your customers in this matter?
Even though i like the product, if i had known about the update policy, i would not have bought my TwoNav device. Please, a least explain your customers what is going on and what is to expect.
yes, please give Compe a kick in the ass. ;)
I really don't understand why Compe is not able to mange to create updates of the OSM maps.
I don't think it's a technical reason.
I try to solve the problem of new OSM maps on myself, already some years ago.
CompeGPS Land can create MPVF maps, unfortunately the Windows version is still on 32-bit, so you can't create big maps.
The Mac OS X version of CompeGPS Land is on 64-bit, so there is "no" limitation. You just need a powerful machine with a lot of RAM and a SSD disk.
I have an old Mac, just with with 8 GB RAM. That is a limit, to create big maps.
But some maps I could create. I wrote it already one year ago, see my older post. But now I extend the creation.
Around 50% of France and Germany, whole Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia.
Just check
RayP.S.: I hope CompeGPS Land 9 for Windows is a 64-bit implementation. Than more people can create MPVF :)
The recent OSM card, routable "online" or not, is available on many websites. The big advantage of the "website" solution over files (solutions that you mention in your requests) is the frequency of updates. A modification passed in OSM is visible on the best sites (Komoot) in the hour which follows the update for the graphic aspect and of the order of one to four weeks for the taking into account for the routing. In software, you usually have to wait years for updates. In addition on these sites it is possible to move quickly from one layer to another. An example with the above solution for France the update dates from July, since that date I had to integrate more than 1000 updates which are not there! The routable map is not available throughout the territory. By using a site such as Komoot (for example) you have the map which is one hour old all over Europe and for all practices.
It's very easy to have the latest version of the OSM map up to date, the one that was enhanced the day before .. And completely free.
You open the OSM site, you create your account.
Then Export menu: https: //www.openstreetmap.org/export ...
Adapt the field displayed on the screen to your area of interest with the mouse and zoom. (For a test stay in a small area, the loading can be long).
When the zone suits you, click on EXPORT (For a small zone) otherwise click on API OVERPASS and wait for the loading to take place.
Your osm map is in your download folder, named map or map.osm. If the ***. Osm extension is missing (Import via API OVERPASS) add .osm after map.
Open LAND premium version.
In LAND menu map, open your map.osm, then your OSM map is open.
Save this map either in macarte.mvp or macarte.mvpf format (transparent background).
Don't be fooled by the look, it will be different in the gps.
Then copy this map in the ../map directory of your CROSS GPS now you have your updated or enriched OSM map one hour before in your GPS, and it's free!.
You can create maps of small or medium surfaces (tiles), store them in a specific directory ... / Map / MesTuilesOSM then and group them in a macarte.imp hyper map stored in the ... / map then you simply select macarte.imp and either Land or your GPS will open the tiles for you.
The possibilities are extensive, multiple, varied, Land provide a set of tools, to customise to your need, take the time to discover.
Ask your questions here on the forum to experienced users.
Below two screenshots of the GPS screen (low resolution screen shot) you will see the OSM map superimposed on a raster map made by a user and the high precision relief map the deviations are of the order of one meter.
Good hikes.
OSM.MV¨PF + RASTER + Relief (2,5m)
Hello Angelo,
Creating vector maps only works with Land Premium.
With your Cross you get a 50% discount on Land Premium, just check your account.Then Export menu: https: //www.openstreetmap.org/export ...
is good for small areas.
I use https://download.geofabrik.de to get big predefined areas.A short description you can find on https://www.naviboard.de/thread/37733-freie-vektorkarten-für-compegps-land-air-und-twonav/?postID=516106#post516106
To create big vector maps, you need a Mac (64 bit version of Land), on Windows you habe to wait for Land 9.x, because Land 8.x is not 64-bit on Windows.
I create some updates of the OSM maps.
After I recognize that Compe also creating updates, I stop my work.
You find my updates on http://www.twonav-gps.com/sites/karten/ray.html.
For the updates of the OSM maps from Compe,
see https://www.twonav.com/de/karten/openstreetmap-aktualisiert
Ray -
Hi Angelo,
I think a Window 64bit version of Land will be released in short term. In a thread in this forum about new Twonav 5 app i saw a link to a release candidate. https://support.twonav.com/hc/de/community/posts/360010807019/comments/360003231279
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