Komoot - could not connect to middleware on Land and on TwoNav cross
when I try to select my Komoot planned routes I get the error "could not connect to middleware". On both my twonav cross device and on Land at my laptop.
(I've purchased the world region in Komoot and have set up the integration using the two nav website)
Anyone else ran into this?
I see no improvement in this new Land 9.3.2 version; let's take the example of sending a route to the GPS via the USB cable or WiFi, this sending always comes up against the same pitfalls for several versions.
I don't really understand TwoNav's strategy, apart from increasing user dissatisfaction, it looks more and more like a house falling down on which we would put bandages.
The end is inevitable, here we go, it's more and more obvious.
Bests regards
user Gert M. found a solution in another thread about Komoot in german. For english and international users: the issue occured, if the password contained special characters.
The latest firmware release (for me 5.5. on cross device, and Land 9.4.) should fix it. Works fine on my end.
Thanks Gert! Thanks to the TwoNavteam for the fix!
for clarification only:
with the new updates Twonav 5.5 and LAND 9.4 the komoot connection works again also in case you use special characters in your Twonav account passwort.
I havn't tested all possible characters so it might be that there are special characters still throwing the error message.
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