Feature requests
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Bug du 6 avril 20190 voti 40 commenti
Twonav Velo tarda una eternidad en coger cobertura GPS0 voti 23 commenti
Navigation - route and track line improvements?1 voto 16 commenti
TwoNav Sportiva: peut-on encore installer des cartes 25000e ?0 voti 16 commenti
Twonav Cross, medición de temperatura0 voti 14 commenti
Integration of Opentopomap & Freizeitkarte OSM0 voti 14 commenti
synchronisation 'App Android-Land-Cross0 voti 9 commenti
Download Tiles Only0 voti 9 commenti
K-Edge Gravity Cap Mount für TWONAV (CROSS PLUS)0 voti 8 commenti
Trail2 Suggestions and questions0 voti 8 commenti
KM to Miles0 voti 8 commenti
Création d'un tracé et chemins sur la carte0 voti 7 commenti
Bug: Changing profile causes reboot-1 voti 7 commenti
New Trail 20 voti 7 commenti
Aventura: crosshair cursor when moving the map with the joystick2 voti 7 commenti
Mappe Google Satellite su TwoNav Android / Land-1 voti 6 commenti
Cross - Comment désactiver affichage des POI sur la carte0 voti 6 commenti
Land Support for Apple Silicon0 voti 5 commenti
Impossible de transmettre via Seeme0 voti 5 commenti
Integration with Komoot0 voti 5 commenti
max. capacity for the MicroSD-card in "Aventura 2" ???0 voti 5 commenti
pas de satellites depuis l iphone XS avec l application sur smatphone0 voti 5 commenti
nessuna notifica0 voti 4 commenti
Gaia GPS Online Map source for Land?0 voti 4 commenti
Why logging out?0 voti 4 commenti
Where are routes0 voti 4 commenti
Custom waypoint symbols for marking waypoints4 voti 4 commenti
Capteur Feu Radar ANT+ (ex Terra)0 voti 3 commenti