Which subscription plan is best for my needs?
It is a very common question. To find out exactly which subscription plan is the most suitable for you, we advise you to take advantage of the 30-day free trial of PRO (the plan that contains all the available functions). Use these 30 days to fully test the included products (Land, GO Cloud, Maps Plus...).
As you use them, you will find out for yourself which features are essential for you. From that moment on, we recommend compare the different subscription plans and locate the tools you use the most. You will quickly know what your plan is.
How do I activate my subscription?
There are several ways to activate a subscription depending on the type of user:
- If you are new and have never used TwoNav: On this page, click 'Get free trial' and to start using it, you must log in with your user account from the product you want to use (Land, GO Cloud). It will be from that moment when the 30-day free trial of PRO begins. Use them to know the full potential of the TwoNav Ecosystem. All the tools will be at your disposal.
- If you have a subscription: Access the product you are going to use (Land, GO Cloud, Maps Plus...) and log in with your user account. The system will automatically identify your subscription plan and you can start using your product.
- If you no longer have a subscription: Access the product you are going to use (Land, GO Cloud, Maps Plus...) and log in with your user account. From this moment on, you will be able to use your product in BASIC mode without a time limit. To get the most out of your product, we recommend you switch to a subscription plan as soon as possible, so you can enjoy the full potential of the TwoNav Ecosystem and its tools.
What should I do after my PRO free trial ends?
Your free PRO trial lasts for 30 days. Once exhausted, you will automatically switch to using BASIC at no cost to you. At that point you must decide whether to continue using the most basic functions, or if, on the contrary, you want to continue using the advanced functions offered by the subscription plans. You decide which plan interests you the most according to the tools you need for your sports activity.
Where can I buy a subscription and how does the payment work?
You can purchase your subscription plan:
- From this website: On this page, you will find the different subscription plans.
- From Land: In the main menu, click 'Help > Subscription plans'.
Choose your plan, subscribe to it and checkout. From this moment on, your subscription will be renewed automatically every year according to the price you have contracted at the time of purchase. TwoNav will make a single charge each year directly to your card, the same that you will have indicated in your purchase. In this way you will not have to manage the renewal or pay any additional supplements. At all times you will have the option to cancel your subscription.
On how many devices can I use my subscription?
You can use the same subscription up to 5 times on the same type of device or on different devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, GPS ...). From the TwoNav client area you will be able to see on which devices you have activated your subscription. If you want to use your subscription on a sixth device, you will need to release a device in use. That is, you will first need to log out of one device and then log in on the sixth device.
I would like to change to another subscription plan, should I cancel my current subscription?
At any time you can change your subscription plan and choose a higher plan with more features. To do this, you should not wait for the renewal date of your current subscription or cancel it, you can do it directly from the area of TwoNav client. Your plan will be updated immediately and you will receive a refund of the prorated amount of your new plan for the remainder of the subscription year. Your plan renewal date will remain the same.
If, on the other hand, you wish to upgrade your subscription to a lower plan, you must cancel your current plan and subscribe to the new one. This will apply from the moment your previous plan has expired.
How do I manage my subscriptions?
You can manage any detail of your subscription (status, renewal date, total activations in use, plan change, plan cancellation...) from various environments:
- From the TwoNav client area: Once identified with your credentials, click on 'My subscriptions'.
- From Land: In the button bar press your name and then 'My subscriptions'.
If you have recently changed your credit card, please contact the TwoNav Customer Service service to update this information , and thus, facilitate the automatic renewal of your subscription.
How do I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time at no cost:
- From the TwoNav client area: Press 'Cancel subscription'.
- From Land: Click on your name, then select 'My Subscriptions' and press 'Cancel subscription'.
Once canceled, you will continue to enjoy the features associated with your plan until it expires.
Once my subscription is canceled, can I reactivate it?
Sure, you can do it. Once canceled, you will have to wait for your current subscription to expire, and thus stop providing service and become inactive. From the TwoNav client area you will be able to know the exact date. From that moment on, you can reacquire the same subscription plan you already had, or upgrade to a higher one.
I can't access my subscription, what should I do?
If for any reason you cannot access your subscription (you have recently changed your e-mail, you have problems with your password, your App store does not recognize your account ...) please contact the TwoNav Customer Service to receive more help.
Is there any alternative to subscription plans?
The subscription plans are designed to offer an optimal relationship between features/price according to the user's needs. Your payment is made annually. Despite this, there are users who prefer to continue with the traditional one-time license model with no annual fees.
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