Cross plus - Abbiegehinweise möglich?



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    Thierry CHARLÈS


    1  =>  Yes (*.trk) Land can save from *.Gpx to *.trk

    2 => Use the TwoNav RoadBook, exemple 


    Set a maneuver point on the crossroads,
    Set the proximity alarm to a WayPoint (Configrration/alarm) and choose the audio alarm.

    Adding detailed voice prompts is possible, a bit complicated but possible.

    Either you transform your track into a RoadBook (see the presentation of recent versions of Land and TwoNav), in the file (*.trk) there is an automatic call line of an audio message which is inserted for each maneuver point . But it does not work the audio files are not sent to the GPS in the current versions. So you place your audio files in c:/user/document/CompeGps/Data/audioFiles/.. then for each maneuver point you add (associated file) with Land the file corresponding to the maneuver, and you save everything in the format *.btrk and you will have the audio in the language of your choice

    I let you find the answers to your questions via these two links, browse the list of new features in your language

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    Uwe B.

    Zusatz zu Thierrys Ausführungen:

    Bitte beachten, das Cross+ hat nur einen Buzzer und da reagieren die Audioalarme nicht immer. Man ist aber wohl daran, das zu fixen. Individuell selektierbare Audio-Alarme gibt es hier leider nicht und eine Bluetooth-Ohrhörer Verbindung um dies zu umgehen ist auch nicht eingebaut. 

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