Aventura has 2 software levels:
- Operating system: Executed under TwoNav and controling the more basic operations of the device.
- TwoNav: Executed over the operating system and interacting with user.
Normally, software updates are for TwoNav, but operating system can also have updates.
- The user should know that this is a delicate process. It must be applied correctly, otherwise it could leave the unit unusable.
- In order to avoid losing data during the updating process, please copy all your personal files contained in 'TwoNavData/Data' to computer (security copy).
- Updates might take some minutes, you might need to wait so left the device working until further steps are being indicated.
- Enough battery is needed to update the operating system, at least 30 min.
- Battery cover must be closed, so no irreparable damages at the operating system might be applied.
In order to update the operating system of Aventura, please follow these steps:
1 - Unzip AVENTURA OPERATING SYSTEM, copy the 'Upload' folder at Aventura's SD card root.
2 - With Aventura powered on, keep 'Operating system' button firmly pressed with a stylus.
3 - Without releasing the 'Operating system' button, press shortly the 'Reset' button with an other stylus or similar object.
4 - System will reset and update process will start with a blue screen. Just wait some seconds until the process finishes and system is automatically reseted.
5 - To verify that your operating system has been successfully updated you can check it out at 'Main menu > Settings > Full settings > System > Device > About'.
6 - Once the update is finished, you might need to re-calibrate the screen of your device.
7 - Once the update is finished, you can delete the files that you unzipped in the SD card.
- 'Operating system' button is behind SD card compartment rubber cap, at left of SD reader, beside the audio connector.
- 'Reset' button is also behind SD card compartment rubber cap, but on the other side, just beside the serial port.
- If 'Operating system' button is not pressed strongly enough, it will not work and only a simple reset will be made when pressing 'Reset' button.
- If 'Reset' button is pressed for too much time, system will not re-start so Operating system will not be installed.
Note: In case you have lost device identifier and license registration, get in contact with After Sales Department (rma@twonav.com).
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