On go.twonav.com, you can discover new routes, either using the public route search engine or by receiving a link from another user.
Here is an example of a route from the GO website: https://go.twonav.com/public/shared/fonteta-fitor-dolmens-i-cistes-trk-17442155/
In addition to viewing it on the website, you can use the route in various ways:
Download: You can download the original file or in .GPX format to use it on any platform, App, or GPS device.
Save to My Routes: The route will be saved to your routes in the GO Cloud. This way, you can access it from any TwoNav product connected to your account, whether it’s from Land, the App, or a TwoNav GPS.
Land: The route will automatically download when Land syncs with GO.
You can download Land for free from twonav.com/land -
App/TwoNav GPS: You can download your routes from the Routes list.
You can download the App for free from Google Play Store or Apple App Store
You can learn more about TwoNav GPS devices at twonav.com/gps
Land: The route will automatically download when Land syncs with GO.
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