The TwoNav software built into your device lets you calculate the route to your destination automatically based on the information in the map you have loaded. While it’s true that road navigation tends to always offer this automatic route calculation, having this function for your mountain outings is a much more exclusive feature. TwoNav makes it possible, and very simple. We’ll explain how:
When you select a destination, if Autoroute is not available, TwoNav will only show a straight line from the current position to the destination. But when you activate Autoroute, the fastest route will be calculated using the paths on the map.
Plus, the auto-calculated routes offer valuable information on the path, such as:
- The distance remaining to the destination.
- All the information on manoeuvres to take during the trip, both on the map and on the “Next event”panel.
To have TwoNav automatically calculate the route, it only needs three things:
- A routable map (like OSM or TomTom)
- Activating the ‘Autoroute’ function
- Selecting a destination
Routable map
The map must be vector and “routable”, that is, have network information that can be used to automatically calculate routes. TwoNav’s OSM and TomTom maps, for example, are routable. Make sure you always have one loaded in your list of maps!
Autoroute setting
As we mentioned, in order to calculate the route, the “Autoroute” function has to be activated:
- TwoNav 3: "Settings > Autoroute"
- TwoNav 4: "Settings > Activity Profiles > Autoroute"
Note: The Autoroute option is activated by default in the Car and Road Bike profiles, but has to be manually activated in other profiles.
Select a destination.
Any type of destination can be selected, such as waypoints, coordinates, POI or by clicking on a specific point on the map.
If you select an RTE file, TwoNav will calculate the route to the first waypoint. When you reach it, TwoNav will calculate the route to the second waypoint, and so on.
Note: When navigating a track, the route is not calculated since supposedly the path to take is along the selected track.
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